Keep having uncanny dreams...


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Some interesting aspects of my dreams include dragon attacking my school, being a superhero, and just fantasy like illogical sense of my dreams if that makes sense. I've noticed that some of my dreams I'm having are quite repetitive from time to time however. For instance, I have dreams about visiting my grandparents from Florida and some unusual scenarios happen there that it almost looks real and is if I'm really there. Has anyone ever had this. Like it's like I feel like I AM there like I'm already there as if it's the real world until I wake up. I feel like my dreams are pretty real. Another one is people tickling me to death. Why is that? Whenever, I do nothing or did a mistake they tickle me and I can't tell them to stop and I can't breathe. What's weird is that sometimes my voice gets so dry I can't speak or my voice comes off too low because my voice is raspy like and they still keep torturing me. Why is that people in my dream make illogical sense when I am the only one who tries to communicate with them in meaningful language. Like, when people are in my dream, they just talk gibberish. They say things that don't make sense and are kind of out of context. Like out of the blue that doesn't even relate to what the scenario is about. Example: I remember one time in my dream(I know this sounds silly) my father put me to sleep and said something like "Sleep like a mermaid's hair in the air" or something like that. Does it represent something??? Or am I just overthinking this?:thinking: Also, why are my scenarios random in my dream. I mean the scenes in my head take one place to another, like it's like I'm transported to a place after the original scene setting is over. Like it's just all random I'll dream about playing video games and sometimes I'm in the video games! The surprising part is is when somehow I can pause button but in a few minutes like it's still up there it will say start over and stuff but when it's on pause the game pauses for a few seconds and still goes and without me pressing it off!:eek: I've always wondered why we dream the way we dream and why it is interpreting life's meanings in a way that doesn't relate to it at all. I'm not even sure if I make sense now. Why don't dreams have logical sense in them so you can understand what you learn from them instead of taking a random scenario scene from it and another minute it will be a completley new and different scenario that didn't relate to the first one or the story it's trying to teach us.


Well-known member
Oh and has anyone ever saw themselves in their dreams. It's hard to explain. Like you can see yourself and what you're doing throughout the dream. I think sometimes when I get hurt I think it kinda affects me seeing myself getting hurt also.


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Usually they are nightmares, how can I stop having them, I'm usually afraid to sleep now because I'm afraid what will happen next in my dreams where can least expect if something harmful will be done to me.


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I did see myself in a dream once. I was floating and wearing a white robe.
Not sure why we have such uncanny dreams. Maybe dreams are a way for our subconscious to express suppressed desires and feelings.


Well-known member
Sometimes I see myself in front of the mirror. Everything is ok until I notice the person behind the mirror isn't doing the same movements I am.
It's kinda scary but after I wake up I just think how cool it actually was. I've had pretty weird dreams (that mirror thing might've been scary but it's not very weird compared to the rest of my dreams), I guess some could be considered nightmares since I woke up from fear but it never really affected me, I just consider them pretty cool, and I go back to sleep almost instantly.

Anyway, I think the best person to analyse your dreams is yourself. I noticed that I can find out why I dream about many of the things I dream about when I take a look at what went on in my life and in my head in the past days. Sometimes I can even predict that I'll dream about a pretty minor occurrence in my day based on past dreams. Sure, there are still many random things in those dreams that I can't explain but I don't think there's any sort of hidden meaning to those things, I don't think my subconscious is that good making metaphors about what I feel.


I have a lot of dreams

I did when I was pre-school age.

I like that the content / material is never based on my thoughts. It comes from somewhere else... I'd say creativity of some sort

This morning, I woke with a vivid illusion that my home was bare, with just carpet, with the main door with no locks - just ajar on hinges.

This does happen every few months. I mostly enjoy waking to that state with some luck.
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