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  1. this_portrait

    Is SA more common than we think?

    So for those who don't already know, I'm in the process of dating this guy I met off of a dating site. On our first date, he seemed a little shy, but he was much more talkative than me, and not only that, but he has initiated that date, and our next date as well. He struck me as a normal guy...
  2. this_portrait

    First Date Tips?

    So. I plan on meeting up with this guy over the weekend, and I was wondering if anyone could provide some tips on how to suppress my SA during this little 'date' so I don't make a fool out of myself. I think that if I can keep the conversation going, without any awkward silences, then I'm good...
  3. this_portrait

    I must be boring him to death. . .

    I'm talking with this guy who messaged me on Plenty of Fish. We have quite a bit in common, and we seem to get along well so far. We just started talking to each other over MSN yesterday, and that went really well. Tonight, though, while it may have started off well, I'm beginning to think I'm...
  4. this_portrait

    Fear of Intimacy/Sex?

    I don't know about the rest of you who have never been intimate or had a sexual relationship with anyone, but I'm terrified of it. This sounds rather contradictory, because I always fantasize about it. I daydream about it during the day and think about it all the time at night before I go to...
  5. this_portrait

    What do you think of acne? (more directed at guys, but girls can answer, too)

    I'm curious -- what do you guys think of acne? Does it keep you away from a girl, or do you just not care? This question is more for guys, but girls can give their opinions, too. As for my opinion on acne on a guy, I never really thought much about it. I guess I just get caught up in my own...
  6. this_portrait


    I'm under the impression that Chicago is the ABSOLUTE WORST place to be when you suffer from SAD. I swear, everyone here is just so Goddamn social it's annoying. I haven't found one person here who could possibly be like me. It's depressing. But I'll try one last time. If you live in Chicago...
  7. this_portrait

    Should I go back to therapy for this?

    I've been doing all right lately when it comes to SA. I've been getting involved on campus a lot more than I did last year, and that's causing me to talk to more people (still haven't gotten to where I've hung out with them more, but that might come up soon). SA doesn't seem to be as much of a...
  8. this_portrait

    Embarrassed/Humiliated =(

    All right, so last night, I had a mood swing. I know what the likely cause of it was, so it's nothing too serious, but basically what happened was that I was sitting in my apartment all alone. My roommate wasn't back from wherever she went to, and no one was online. I all of a sudden just got...
  9. this_portrait

    Short story I wrote

    I hope you all enjoy it! =) "Phalange" Sid threw the covers off his thin form, letting out a sigh of frustration, and headed out of his bedroom. He made his way down the narrow hall until he reached the bathroom. Standing in the doorway, he felt along the darkened wall for the lightswitch and...
  10. this_portrait


    Do you spend time on how you look to others? I don't mean your body language or anything like that. I'm talking about your appearance, such as hair, skin, clothes, etc. Do you spend considerable amounts of time on it? I find that I spend more time on my appearance during the school year than I...
  11. this_portrait

    Talking on the phone

    Do you find talking on the phone easy, or does it just cause you more grief? I find talking on the phone to be easier than talking in person, especially when it comes to business. Take today, for example. I called about private student loans, ordering textbooks, and even ordering a pizza. I...
  12. this_portrait


    Does anyone else here besides me have AIM? If you do, and you'd like to chat, my screen name is xsickxinxlovex. Oh, by the way, I have my AIM set up to where someone has to be on my buddy list to talk to me, so if you want to chat, just gimme the s/n and I'll add you. =)
  13. this_portrait

    Kids. . .

    Does anyone else here besides me just not like them? It seems as if, no matter how hard I try, I can never be comfortable around them or enjoy their company. If a kid says an innocent 'hello' to me, I'll wave a little, but I won't be all friendly/smiley like most people would be. I wouldn't...
  14. this_portrait

    Memoirs About Social Anxiety Disorder

    Sooo. . . I recently finished reading What You Must Think of Me by Emily Ford. It's basically about Ford's struggles with SAD, and how she overcame it. However, she doesn't really go into too much detail about her struggles, and much of the book is, in a way, like a self-help book. I was...
  15. this_portrait

    Self-Help Books?

    Has anyone else ever tried out self-help books? I bought a self-help book titled The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook last summer, but never actually used it, because I didn't think I really had social anxiety at that time. For almost a year, it was sitting under my bed collecting dust. The...
  16. this_portrait

    I hate this. (Copied from a Facebook note)

    Earlier, I wrote this Facebook note about some stuff that has really really really been getting to me lately. It all seemed to explode out of me when I got into a huge fight with my live-in cousin the other day. So here it is. I'm not even home for the first two weeks of summer break, and...
  17. this_portrait

    Social Anxiety & Anger

    So I find myself to get angry quite a lot. Most of the time it starts out with a little annoyance and then proceeds into a rant where I'm constantly bitching and dropping the f-bomb a little more than is necessary. What weirds me out is that I get angry and make a huge deal over things that...
  18. this_portrait

    Illinois. . .

    I know it's not true, but it seems as if I'm the only person in northern Illinois who has this social phobia problem. . . So if anyone on here is from that area, reply so I know I'm not alone.
  19. this_portrait

    Skin Biting

    So. I've had this problem since around middle school with chewing the skin off of my fingers, often to the point of bleeding. My therapist said it's an OCD reaction to my anxiety, which I'll believe, because I often find myself doing it when I'm nervous. I went to a hypnotist during my senior...
  20. this_portrait

    Lucky in love? Not me.

    I can't seem to make up my mind. For a few months, I'm whining and bitching about how I can't seem to get a boyfriend because every guy I see that I start getting a little attracted to has a girlfriend, and every guy who likes me is so not my type. Then a friend from home tries to set me up...