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  1. Richey

    Cast of Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    So i was just watching this video of the cast being interviewed. they look like they are having a great time and they seem really relaxed and cool and comfortable with themselves physically and mentally. part of me sort of craves what they have. i'm not sure i can explain this any better. one of...
  2. Richey

    Becoming an Adult and the influence of other Adults

    One aspect i've noticed about entering the adult world is that alot of adults in fact i'd say most adults i've come across tend to adopt these old-people rigid mindsets. like i recall people saying to me don't be so childish if i decided to sing or be silly when i was around 18/19. i've also...
  3. Richey

    Tony Robbins Self Help Videos

    i'm not big into self help books or anything but tony robbins seems to be one of the few people who has made a ton of research into self improvement. not all his videos are going to motivate but these videos are great! YouTube - Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better...
  4. Richey

    Overly Pedantic people (perfectionism) related to SA

    So recently i've been involved in a group project for my course. the people in my group were nice to be around but i couldn't help but notice how overly pedantic they were to the finest detail. now you may be reading that thinking what am i complaining about? one thing i noticed was how rigid...
  5. Richey

    Other problems aside from Social Anxiety etc.

    Alright so this is really a thread to vent things that are going on at the moment that seem to be well to make it heavy! sort of ruining my life by my own actions I'm in the second year of a diploma course, so its not even a degree but its very challenging. The course is programming and i've...
  6. Richey

    Genetic Advantages and living environment

    This is not meant to come across as an excuse for being a certain way. do you believe that certain people are just lucky? and what percentage is shaped by our own self will and do you think that the variation of genetics, mentors, friends, family is sort of like a combination lock to the sort...
  7. Richey

    Is this Schizophrenia?

    lately i've noticed myself staring into space alot while i'm in classes and i can barely remember the content and it takes me ages to understand the concepts. our teachers will stand up and speak for an hour and its just in one ear and out the other lately. the subjects are relatively complex...
  8. Richey

    Curn your Enthusiasm (the tv show)

    curn?..laugh out loud, curb. one of my favourite shows, starring larry david and his crazy adventures in the world of social awkwardness... also known as the guy who made seinfeld ::p: the stop and chat the stare, pretty good larry gets bad news the lunch
  9. Richey

    Do you defend other shy people?

    For instance my parents will say to me "dont you think this person was distant and unsociable tonight? what's their problem exactly" ... i start to defend them by saying "maybe that person is just shy" .. then they say "yeh but they didn't say a thing" ... then i say "perhaps they felt...
  10. Richey

    Is anyone really quiet at work

    For me it depends on the type of work, in an office job i'm more relaxed and will open up but in a fast paced job(factory, kitchen) im usually very quiet and will say very little unless there are people im comfortable around which is rare... the pressure to perform seems to make me...
  11. Richey

    It felt so awkward at work today

    light hearted banter often ends up being awkward and serious, not all the time but alot of the time, and if i can't find a decent response i just laugh it off before staying quiet. then the responses are "i was only joking" ...its not a desirable situation, i do feel like a git in those...
  12. Richey

    Concentrating in the classroom

    For some reason i am literally unable to concentrate at uni in classes because everyone around me is talking and showing off and i try to join in as well which is fine but my self consciousness kicks in and all i can think about is the other people in the room sitting at the desks on the...
  13. Richey

    How do you make friends as an adult?!

    so how do you think this relates.
  14. Richey

    Joking around and being smooth!

    Alright so i now have no issue turning up where there are people and talking, its just that i notice everyone else seems to be smooth talkers, especially amongst the younger crew where i work in a restaurant, in fact often its very intimidating to work in that environment, like they know the...
  15. Richey

    Does anyone here believe this?!

    See i believe that given a different environment i could have been someone but i had a dysfunctional family when it came to relationships and education, my father always fighting with other family members so it felt so hostile all the time that the anxiety of my environment effected my ability...
  16. Richey

    Two types of Boring

    I've noticed that certain people find chatty people boring because they tend to talk about every little detail of a subject and then there is the boring from not contributing to a conversation ... there is no pleasing anybody, really.
  17. Richey

    I joined a Basketball Team

    its a group of eight friends that signed up for a team and i am on the list as an emergency player to make up numbers so they called me up and i said yes i'll join but this is a big step to make, i enjoy playing basketball but all these second thoughts appear in my mind about it, i know i have...
  18. Richey

    Pressure of career and earning in your 20's

    my sister and most of my relatives that are younger and around my age have been to university and passed with flying colours while maintaining a busy active social world, my sister has been lucky enough to achieve a big success in her career in terms of creativity and wage while travelling...
  19. Richey

    A solution that will help you out!!

    This is for moulding verbal techniqies and practicing the art of speech so that you can hear yourself played back and while your speakers or on. all you need is a computer microphone open accesories, go to entertainment and open sound recorder, then test your microphone or download a program...
  20. Richey

    Ever had to Owe back a Debt for Benefits?

    I was on a study allowance while i studied a full time uni course and i missed alot of days because i felt sick, anyway that meant i fell under the full time range and they asked me to back thousands of dollars ... can anyone relate to this?