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  1. Richey

    Not really Social Phobic

    i can walk up and talk to people but i come across as really uptight and serious even though i'm trying not to be those things at all ... people will rattle off witty remarks and i just go blank in the heat of the moment, i can't understand how certain people have so much knowledge stored in...
  2. Richey

    Curb your enthusiasm, the comedy sitcom.

    Larry is the co-creator of seinfeld and stars in it, and he plays the role of a socially anxious person with a sprinkle of jewish humour, its a classic show though and i think its funnier then seinfeld overall because it feels like a reality show but its not at all and he is the definition of...
  3. Richey

    Trains and Standing Up

    I catch the train to travel to school everyday but everytime it comes around to my station all the seats are taken and so i stand near the door, only thing is there arnt always handles to keep steady and the train usually rocks from side to side and it throws me about because while i'm fit i'm...
  4. Richey

    I went to a party tonight

    one thing i noticed is unless you have a stand-out personality in some way its a drag on everyone else another thing is everyone there were just fun and could make you laugh effortlessly then i opened my mouth and nobody would give me the time of day everytime i tried, when i tried to make a...
  5. Richey

    missing classes because of this thing!?

    can anyone else relate? so i live along way from campus where my university course is situated and lately ive been sleeping in and taken glances at the clock while struggling to wake up on time, so i find it easy to talk myself into not going if i'm a little late, this sort of got out of hand...
  6. Richey

    Difficlut to concentrate in class

    So for around the last 12 weeks in all our classes my attention is usually distracted by what everyone else is doing or whether people are looking at me that by the end of the class time i have literally no idea what has taken place or what is said, sure i'll take notes down to revise, its a...
  7. Richey

    New Radiohead Song - Wake Me(Before they come) just click play
  8. Richey

    Grizzly Bear have written an amazingly catchy song!

    they played it on Letterman for the first time and i can't wait to hear the studio version of this fine song, the bass groove and harmony is mighty fine :P the song is 'two weeks'
  9. Richey

    Fear of Blood Pressure Procedure, weird i know...

    Does anyone else have trouble with this, any time ive seen a doctor they always insist on taking my blood pressure, only thing is i get really on edge and panic when the strap pumps my arm and gets really tight, this is quite strange but ive fainted from dehydration from waiting for the thing...
  10. Richey

    My Lyrics for These Days

    I'm still trying to vocalise it into something resembling a melody, i ususally just sit there with my les paul and strum simple chords to start off with ..anyway here it is, i should post all my other lyrics too, what do you think? These Days I bounce off the walls every evening, skylarking...
  11. Richey

    World may end in August 2008

    joking of course, laugh out loud .. however you may need to watch this just to see the sheer size of this .. its a sixteen billion dollar science project thats taken decades to build, the origin of the mass of particles to discover...
  12. Richey

    Radiohead are Embarrassingly Good

    I'm big into other bands too but my oh my i love how they do things many other bands don't like 5 hour webcasts of themselves joking around and playing covers, music. .DJing, they've done that 3 times since the year 2000 and its always so exciting ... they previewed a raw version of "there...
  13. Richey

    Presenting a Fun Side to Others!

    I knew this girl for a while and we had similar interests, just friends though nothing more but it felt really special making a new friend anyhoo she has this other friend who really likes to be physical and touchy, for example he would walk up and lift her off her feet or playfully carry her...
  14. Richey

    I Dare You to Take a risk this week ..

    I want you all to start this week, welcome rejection and ask for advice from people if need be, what do you want from this world and of yourselves, you'll need mostly the energy to try, so start by exercising ride your bike, go for a run .. what do i want to achieve 1. learn music properly...
  15. Richey

    May make you feel better

    I recall a friend i used to have, won't name names, lets just call him harry, anyhoo harry was very relaxed but never said much, i liked him though never judged him ..not once, i used to see bands with him alot .. so believe it or not there are many people out there that wont judge you on how...
  16. Richey

    My life is an Embarrassmint

    the way is see it is there is a prize in every box, the grass is semi sometimes greener on the other side .. ya know... maybe i'll build a tiadus of my own, a time machine and fit it inside an old school phonebooth and save the world like ive always dreamed .. say no to codeine, kids. what...
  17. Richey

    Michael Jordan Nike game 1986, woa

    edit wrong forum :? oh well, essentially its a new video of the air apparent breaking the backboard and defying gravity, just your average day out, this is just awe inspiring stuff, and the music is "we just" an electronic house act from italy, the...
  18. Richey

    I found out my real problem tonight

    well the root of it anyway .. so people will sarcastically joke around with you, and they'll say something that on the surface seems harsh but you know they are joking underneath and i just have nothing to return with and when i do respond it seems like ive taken it seriously or to heart when...
  19. Richey

    Ever missed a friendship opportunity?

    Ive had a couple of great moments while seeing live bands, i met a bunch of people who were super-nice and we chatted for most of the night, but i always end up walking away without handing out a contact ... it happens all the freaking time .. i just find it a little intrusive asking for...
  20. Richey

    Fear of the Gym

    I have a massive fear of walking into a gym, why i dont know, so i get my exercise through bike riding and push-ups ...but i'd like to join a gym, its just that you walk in and most of the people are regulars who have super-fit bodies or are on the way to having one and go so often that they...