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  1. Richey

    Here is a Thought to Ponder!!!

    What if today a man in a suit was to knock on the door and handed you a briefcase full of money, lets say a couple of million for you to keep and spend at your own pleasure, not long after your offered the dream career move youve been looking for all your life, you start on monday. An hour...
  2. Richey

    Applied for many jobs.(nothing yet)

    Just finished my diploma and ive been applying for all the junior positions, my resume is perfect now, and ive also been applying for retail positions and anything thats full time so i can get out of the house, i dont want to be sitting around all day, i enjoy keeping busy, but its not...
  3. Richey

    The Shopping Centre!!

  4. Richey

    Are You Awkward Socially?

  5. Richey

    Christmas Holiday is Coming!

    Alright so im looking forward to it but also dreading it ....i can handle a window of up to half a day, because every year i have many loud cousins who are my age that come around, then there are the strangers who show up normally lasts all day my sisters friends make an appearance too...
  6. Richey


    forget this thread
  7. Richey

    MSN syntax, the new generation (typing)

    maybe its just me being picky but i really cant stand the way alot of people type, and its nothing personal because i know their heart is in the right place ...but im perplexed when people, mostly this generations young people type.... lik dis .....viddy well, i had a gr8 day 2day wot bout u...
  8. Richey

    Being Extroverted with SA?

    so i assume that there are many people who are very chatty and outgoing but suffer social uni im a borderline mute....mainly because i dont like the sound of my voice and im just not confident with the course load so im always anxious, i think that its alot harder for a shy...
  9. Richey

    5 Family Parties in one week!

    Alright so yeah say im feeling a little tense is an understatement...friday night, saturday night and sunday night..and cousins 20th will have 100 plus people....i cant really get out of these family events.....i do want to go but last night at my sisters party i...
  10. Richey

    Speech and Articulation Problems

    im working at it, but i find that unless im feeling very relaxed i slurr my words when i speak and sometimes i talk to fast and i can see by the way that people react to me at work or at a party that they become nervous around me, so i have to go for a walk to regain my composure, ive had people...
  11. Richey

    Been invited to a dinner!

    Ive been invited to dinner with a bunch of 15 people from my cousins high school days and last time i went to a gethering with them i just found everyone to be so intense! and witty that i struggled and had a panic attack! i had to walk outside for a breather because i clammed up and couldnt...
  12. Richey

    Where are you at regarding SA

    im just curious as to what stage are you at regarding your SA, i would say at the moment for me its at its most crippling! for instance i cant even talk with my family because we never get along and my parents only listen to what they believe is right so while i can talk to them about my...
  13. Richey

    Just feel so uninteresting

    Does anyone have an issue with expressing knowledge or do you find it challenging to concentrate on a book or a film? thus struggling to articulate what the book was about or even rememberring characters that were mentioned, i just feel that if my memory was stronger i would have more confidence...
  14. Richey

    Living with your parents

  15. Richey

    Body Image and Appearance

    I feel a tad skinny for a guy that it does contribute to my SA because i know there is alot of pressure to look fit! for i exercise alot now but im still skinny...i just dont put on weight that quickly and its so frusturating arrrgh! WHY! WHY! i just want to feel attractive in every...
  16. Richey

    Studying at Uni with SA

    I blitzed through the first year but the second year of my course is just a non-stop pile of reports and projects and admittedly im failing a few subjects at the moment, i think ive done well to make it this far into the course and the class has been warned that the second half of the year will...
  17. Richey

    Being Extroverted and having SA

    I find it hard to fathom how someone who is confident and outgoing has SA, surely its anxiety but SA i doubt it very much, i can honestly say that its been crippling for me only having one girlfriend for a short time and looking nervous at parties, people asking me if im alright so i get freaked...
  18. Richey

    Fear of rejection is the root of SA

    If people didnt fear others opinions then SA wouldnt exist right?
  19. Richey

    Funny Photos/Pictures

    This is a chance for people to post any photos that tickle your funny bone and trust me we want to see it, as long as its not too naughty of course :wink:
  20. Richey

    Something weird happened

    I was outside mowing the front lawn because it was becoming a forest "laughs" and these two gorgeous girls walked passed me and started laughing at me, one of the girls had her hand over her mouth and started giggling, so i just kept mowing as if nothing happened, i looked alright, i was wearing...