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    To be honest, life sucks. I still don't know if I am moré avoidant because of my social inadecuency or because I never liked the reality in the way it is. I don't know what was first. Since I was a child, then in adolescence moré often, I used to do day dreaming a lot. Now, it's rare I do it...
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    Instant messages: why for...?

    I can't understand what is the purpose for someone who doesn't know you and write an instant message. I think there is the board, prívate messages if you want to contact or meet someone. A different story is when you already meet an user. What happen? Are there many people who feel that...
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    Groups or face to face meetings!

    Guys! When are you moré comfortable with in face to face interactions or in groups? I think the answer is obvious, that is, face to face meetings; anyway, each person is a world, so avoidants are. As well, I'd like to ask you if you feel moré anxiety in the first contact with a person or in...
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    Boosting self-esteen

    It might be worthy to write or at least you think about your qualities. I'm sure there are many, so take a time to think about them. I'm nice and I'm not gonna add anything else because another of my qualities is humility, but I have others like everybody. At least, two qualities I'm sure of...
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    How do you cope with avoidant? Therapy, meds, physical exercise, relaxation, friends, family, self-help books...or all together. Express yourself!:)
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    Christmas lunch

    Christmas lunch Well, once again, a coworkers lunch for Christmas. I can count with the fingers of one hand, the coworkers lunch I attend to. There is a list on the office wall to write your name if you want to assist. I'm still wondering if assist or not to assist. I now know better my...
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    AvPD viewed from out

    Don't missunderstand me, I'm on the same boat as you. That is, the Titanic. Anyway, I'd like to know if you ever wonder what suppoused for other people to be in relations with an avoidant. Let's see I want you to go out for a while from you and put in your loved people's shoes. How do you...
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    School memories

    Hi, there! I'm a new user in the AvPD subforum, but I'm also a Preschool and Primary teacher who is doing some research and putting into practise a new approach to set up the right enviroment for Ls to feel confident, motivated and psychological well-being. So, it would be very helpfull for...