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  1. EscapeArtist

    i'm sorry, another rant.

    Purely for my benefit to get it out somewhere, you don't have to read my long and angry rambling. As I've mentioned a lot of times, I do a ton of research. I have been obsessed with getting to the truth of things, despite the government. Somehow I ended up stumbling onto health, through my own...
  2. EscapeArtist

    Sharing my epiphany number 2

    I didn't want to post this because I am paranoid that I'll come off as a SPWorld nuisance, or that I won't improve as much as expected as me. But these are lousy irrational thoughts of perfectionism so now I have to. Last time I posted about some important things to consider in order to...
  3. EscapeArtist

    Why I don't go outside

    what happened to innocence. What happened to dreams of travel, the thrill of new experiences, or the comfort of familiar ones. Satisfaction died with simpler times. What sabotaged nature to create such beasts as the people? The distant, lost, delirious, distrusting, blind, suspicious, confused...
  4. EscapeArtist, I want to start a social anxiety group, but....

    I'm only 17. It just seems.. odd to be host to a group of adults at 17. I'm unprepared, no means of driving, no cash to use, and of course I HAVE SOCIAL ANXIETY. But how wrong could it go, right?? I'd really like a group of people in real life to talk to about this... Starting a group sounds...
  5. EscapeArtist

    Pretending to be what I wish I could be

    Ok here it goes. First of all, refer to my signature. I'm sick of the life I have given myself. I can't live life in this fishbowl anymore. I feel like the life I am currently living is as far as I want my rock bottom to go. So here's what I'm going to do, simply pretend to be the person I so...
  6. EscapeArtist

    where to meet people

    I'm dying of loneliness and don't even really care anymore about social anxiety, it seems minor compared to this loneliness and boredom. (i'm sure it wont later) but where can I meet people who are into the same things i'm into?? I'm 17, and want to meet mature minded individuals with goals and...
  7. EscapeArtist

    Sharing emotions

    Sigh. My mom just came into my room to share a story with me. She volunteers, talking to lonely seniors over the phone. She came in talking about how one of her seniors is going to the hospital and not coming out.. and she brought up a previous moment she had shared with her 2 months ago when a...
  8. EscapeArtist

    Reliances that get you through the day

    Do you have a reliance on something? Alcohol, gaming, drugs, (obviously the computer will be mentioned often!), running, eating, cutting. Something that you feel like you need to get by. Second question: Is it harmful or helpful. I mention this because I feel a reliance for alcohol and pot...
  9. EscapeArtist

    Over-talkative friend

    I have one acquaintanceish friend who I rarely hang out with, sometimes because of my SA/AvPD but mainly because he is very nervous around me because he "likes" me or whatnot, and he does not stop talking. I'm not a talkative type, I'm the type that would rather hang out with a tree and be in...
  10. EscapeArtist


    I always feel so guilty about posting my depressing rants on this wonderful site. But I feel that I am losing all hope. I have, in 3 weeks, gone from inspired, ready, brave, content to depressed, careless, a void. The things I care so deeply about I can't connect to anymore, the wonderful...
  11. EscapeArtist

    Why is what others think important to you?

    I can't find a reason for it myself. These people that would see me if I walked outside I think very little of, and yet I let them turn my own mind against me . For instance, the thread "They Do Stare", people always tell us that others aren't actually giving us the attention we assume they are...
  12. EscapeArtist

    Body distortion at it's worst

    I feel too lonely to try to improve at this point, but I hate myself too much to want to find friendship. I am finding it very difficult to live with myself... I'm bitter, and I feel heavy/fat, and it shouldn't be taking as much of a toll on me as it is. I know that if I lost weight, I'd be...
  13. EscapeArtist

    Where can I run where nobody can see me

    my mom left my ****ing treadmill at the house we moved out of and it's at the dump. I feel doomed, my body is already tunneling into feeling of self harm, I was very reliant on running. I have tried running outside at night but in the new town i'm in there are mobs of drunk teenagers...
  14. EscapeArtist

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder sufferers

    I haven't heard a lot about BDD on this forum... who else has it around here? I've boiled it down and realized that 10-20 extra pounds is the only thing keeping me in this house, harbouring my self hatred. It's the fat around my face (chin specifically), stomach and breasts that I hate with...
  15. EscapeArtist

    Fasting and hyperhidrosis

    I don't have this disease anymore, but I realize now that I had it pretty bad as a child and young teen, enough to attract some nicknames. I was wondering if any of you have tried water fasting. I have heard that a significant cause of hyperhidrosis is eating foods that you cannot tolerate (of...
  16. EscapeArtist

    To move out or not to move out?, 1-2 weeks ago I had a week all by myself, the last week in my old house before my family moved, and that week I lived in the old house by myself. I saw immediate improvement in myself, I finally stuck to my raw diet, I was exposing myself to the outside world everyday, I even went...
  17. EscapeArtist

    The Exposure Thread

    I wanted to make a thread where people can slowly expose themselves and share it and hopefully get support, or have others do the same things "with" them and share it or something. Somebody on youtube (after seeing the clip in the "fun things to do to beat SA" forum) was talking about how they...
  18. EscapeArtist

    Sharing my epiphany with you

    I've been a lot calmer these last few days, I feel my judgement towards myself and others lessening dramatically, I've gone outside a lot lately, I've gone on a walk, I've been going to the grocery store every day (on a freaking bus!) and I've even hung out with an old friend.. so I began to...
  19. EscapeArtist

    Why Can't I FEEL.

    I don't feel emotions anymore. I don't recognize them. My therapist cries when I speak of some aspects of my life and I stare...and I SMILE... I know when I'm angry, lonely, and jealous.... but I don't feel it. I don't feel it. I can feel myself stifling my feelings even if I don't want to, I...
  20. EscapeArtist

    Your motivation for living?
