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  1. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    I don't know how am feeling... apprehensive? Nervous? Excited? Struggling with imposter syndrome a bit as far my musical abilities goes. In that I'm not as technically gifted as my guitar playing abilities make me out to be. On a positive note, my mum seems to be doing a lot better since that...
  2. Graeme1988

    Graeme's Wee Mad Mental Music Thread

    In celebration of my current SoundCloud follower total, I thought this song would be quite apt. 😆 🤘😝🤘
  3. Graeme1988

    Graeme's Wee Mad Mental Music Thread

    Hmmm... should I accept this offer to be featured on this lad's album? :unsure: Not that I'm unsure per say. It just that, my "Ah, fuck it! Why no?! Go on, yersel', pal!" mentality has thus far landed me a song rewrite gig that ah didnae even ask for, but accepted anyway. As well as rock song...
  4. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Despite the travel sickness on the way to and back home from the hospital, my mum's appointment went well from what I was told. I had to stay in my sister's car listening to music on my phone, as only one other person was allowed into the hospital. Anyway, they think her shakes might be a side...
  5. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    I hope all goes well for you, lily. :)
  6. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    I'm feeling quite nervous — I hope my mum's hospital appointment goes well. Not sure whether I should brace for the worst, hope for the best, or both? :confused: Because, either way the responsibility of care falls to me, regardless of the outcome. So I'll just have to deal with it. I'm feeling...
  7. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    I don't know... is there a word that accurately describes how someone feels after years of constant negative reinforcement? Because I'm struggling to think of it. Anyway, yet again, my mother thought it'd be so "funny" to make a snide comment and overreact - as she always does with me - after...
  8. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Just wondering if I'm an awful person for refusing to go along with the narrative my mother and oldest sister have been spouting of late; about how the middle child has changed and isn't as bad as she used to be in terms of fleeing off the handle into a tantrum style rage over the slightest...
  9. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Disappointed. But, hey, am use tae it. Used to asking for help and either, naebuddy helping me. Or I'll end up taking matters into my own hands for patronising praise; as if I cannae dae anyhin'. :mad: Then, they'll get pissed at me for giving a sarcastic response to their faint praise. I mean...
  10. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

  11. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Pissed off that the only time I'm ever listened to by my family is when I'm really pissed off enough that I swear at them. 😠 Like today, I just wanted to rest my sore right foot as it's painful to walk on when I try to weight bare. The sensible thing to do, right? But no, despite that, my...
  12. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Just... really frustrated. I feel I can't rely upon anyone. My right foot has been really sore lately. I told my mum, yesterday, that I think it might be due to my cerebral palsy finally starting to get worse, and she immediately, without expanding upon it, said: "Nah! Ah don't think so". 😔 🤦‍♂️...
  13. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Ah! Let down by family yet a frickin' again! And I'm just supposed to "forget about it". 😡
  14. Graeme1988

    How are you feeling?

    Well, had an argument with my mum for the first time in a long time. Mainly over how I'm constantly expected to help her every time she asks. Yet, she rarely does the same for me. She always has an excuse at the ready, regardless. That I almost always regret even asking for her help. So, I had...