Search results

  1. Englishman

    Worried about my future/no motivation?

    Hi there. I'm incredibly anixous about my future and life in general. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.. I honestly don't think I'll ever be in a relationship due to my hyperhidrosis and this also dictates which profession I could go into. I finish college in the next 8 weeks and it's dawned...
  2. Englishman

    I think I might be bi-polar?

    Okay so I post quite frequently on this site, more commonly in the hyperhidrosis section. Anyhow, due to my condition I tend to get extremely depressed/isolated and I self loath. However, when I'm not sweating I feel like a different person... Energetic, bubbly and confident to name a few...
  3. Englishman

    I'm loosing it

    I can't take it anymore.. I think I'm edging closer to suicide more and more everyday... I can't accept my condition, I can't accept I'm part of the 1% that sugffers. I can't live a normal life, I'm trapped inside my own body I just can't go on anymore, why should I? This isn't living, this is...
  4. Englishman


    I've noticed that a lot of you guys are religious people. Now I'm not trying to kick up a fuss or flame anybody... But it begs the question. If there was a God, why would he make us have hyperhidrosis? Why would he make some individuals suffer and others live normal lives? Sometimes I just...
  5. Englishman

    New "possible" soloution?

    I normally scan over various HH forums on the net, and I've came upon this. Hyperhidrosis Forum • View topic - Cured at last! Not sure how reliable it is, somebody should give it a go.
  6. Englishman


    I recently had a doctor's appointment and convinced him to pescribe me some oral medication to help with my HH. He decided to let me try out some oxybutynin tablets as I have tried other forms of treatments with limited success. My appointment reduced me to tears as I was that fed up with...
  7. Englishman

    Worried I'll never find love...

    I'm worried due to my hyperhidrosis condition that I'll never be able to find love. I find my condition to be that debilitating that I don't think I'll ever be able to accept myself for who I am, nevermind expect anybody else to. It really worries me, it's not as if I'm an ugly person (inside...
  8. Englishman

    HH and dependencies

    I was wondering if anybody else who suffers from HH has any form of dependencies as a way of coping. Seems like an odd question, but I've read further back through this forum and it seems like a lot of people have learnt to cope through the usage of alcohol, ciggarettes and even some forms of...
  9. Englishman

    Affected areas?

    Where are you guys affected by HH? I've had it in my hands and feet since I was about 9... however, during these last couple of weeks I've noticed a DRAMATIC increase in the amount I sweat under my arms, leaving stains and wet patches. How is this possible? I don't understand how I could devolep...
  10. Englishman

    Active forum

    I've noticed that everytime I come to this section of the forum, it always has at least 7 or so people viewing it. I think a number of people must just browse rather than making an account and actually getting involved. I encourage anyone who views this website to make an account and start...
  11. Englishman


    I'm so close to it. I have an excess sweating disorder and I honestly just feel so worthless. No matter how much I try and stay positive I just can't, NOTHING is going to help. I know it seems selfish but I can't live like this no more, this is no life.
  12. Englishman

    We need some questions answered...

    I spend every waking minute of my day searching for a solution to end my palmer/planter hyperhidrosis. How can doctors say we only sweat excessively due to a "hyper active sympthetic nervous system"? That doesn't make sense to me... There MUST be something more to it than that. I'm almost...
  13. Englishman

    Red face?

    Does anybody else get a red face when not sweating? I feel like when my hands/feet do not sweat, my face is all red and flushed. Once the sweating begins it returns to a normal colour. :( Also, I seem to have really bad circulation as my hands go a weird yellowish/whiteish colour. I'm so...
  14. Englishman

    Can't take this much longer...

    I'm seriously losing my mind over this condition. I've had palmer/plantar hyperhidrosis since I was about 9 (19 now) and it's physically and mentally exhausting me to the point where I don't even want to live no more. Howcome their is literally NO medical explanation for why we perspire so...
  15. Englishman

    Discoloured feet?

    I have both palmer and plantar hh and now my feet are really yellow... does anybody else suffer similar fate? Is there anything I can do about it?
  16. Englishman

    I don't know where to start...

    Having hyperhidrosis makes me think about commiting suicide everyday... I don't know how you guys remain so positive. Every single day I wish I was dead because of having this condition, knowing full well that I will never feel comfortable in my own skin, never be able to find someone who...