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  1. Shyangel

    Off Topic Thread

    I thought I would make a thread were you can say and talk about whatever you want. I know there are those times when you just want to ask someone something or maybe just have a conversation about something that's on your mind without making a thread well, it's here!! Talk about whatever you...
  2. Shyangel

    Post your art/ passion.

    I wanted to create a place where everyone can share there artistic expressions and possibly, there passions. Do you draw, paint, write, play an instrument, share it with us, I would love to see it. Or if you have something your really passionate about, like; music, games, sports ect. Tells us...
  3. Shyangel

    I want to go to college.

    I'm sure there are similar threads around but I wanted to make one specific. I want to start college, but I'm afraid of failing. I just know my anxiety, my lack of life experience and general socialization is going to get in the way. And frankly, I've never been to school so I've never received...
  4. Shyangel

    What kind of boyfriend/girlfriend were you?

    I have just been thinking about my recent break up with my X and this thread came to mind. Do you think you were very loving? Compassionate? protective? A combination? If you haven't had a boyfriend/girlfriend yet, tell us what kind of one you think you would be, I'm interested to know. I'll...
  5. Shyangel

    Would You Rather?

    I hope this thread doesn't already exist! The game is this.... Would you rather have coke, or pepsi? You answer: Pepsi Then you come up with your own would you rather, ect. I'll start! Would you rather jump out of an air plane or eat a bug?
  6. Shyangel

    I'm breaking all the rules. lol

    Hi, what I mean by that introduction is that I've seemed to have made the rule not to say hi or give myself any opportunity to make a friend of any kind. Pretty stupid rule if you ask me, but hey, I seem to swear by it. I'm 22 years old and I don't have any friends and I've never had a job. I'm...