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  1. P

    Goodbye...I'm daring to make a CHANGE

    For years I have been a complete cyberchondriac. I don't know if I officially have hypchondria or not (I have a post on this in this forum if you'd like to see my symptoms of it), but regardless of an "official title", I do feel that my hours on the internet obessing over illness (particularly...
  2. P

    Hypochondria or actually sick?

    I'm starting to think that I may suffer Hypochondriasis. Everytime I get the slightest symptom of an illness, I blow it up out of proportion and consider it much more serious than it is. I spent hours and hours and hours researching medical problems, convinced that I have them. If I have a...
  3. P

    Lifetime Prevalance of Mental Disorders...

    What statistics have you heard in so far as the lifetime prevalance of mental disorders? Which statistic do you believe and why? I always tend to believe the higher estimate, because all the stigma leads to underreporting, which skews the validity of the lower estimates. 1. Actual lifetime...
  4. P

    Getting sicker but too scared to seek help...

    OCD (with OCPD symptoms) is ruining my life more and more! Here is just an example of what important parts of my life is like... 1. I become completely anxious and start to feel EXTREMELY dirty and tarnished if anyone in my presence is doing or talking about something that I consider unclean...
  5. P

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder...

    All my psychological problems started with an eating disorder and I'm now wondering if I have ended up with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I'm constantly looking at myself, picking out flaws, trying to correct them and hide them and worrying constantly if anyone else has noticed them. I feel so so...
  6. P

    The Teen Rebellion Years: How do you cope with the memory?!

    Ok, so I'm 20 years old now and I've definitely grown out of the whole teenage rebellion thing. But for roughly 4 years (say 16-19), I did the whole teenage rebellion thing pretty badly. Dressed a bit seductively, kissed a few too many boys, got a bit cheeky to my school teachers, experimented...
  7. P

    Approval- Poem I wrote

    Approval Approval is my water. Obedience is my bread. All that I now want to say, Ends up left unsaid. Because I know no other way, Because I'm your showpony, Because you will not let me stray, I've become a phony. The puppet of your broken dreams, The doll you try to mould. I will do you...
  8. P

    Obsessed with the past..

    I'm obssessed with the past. I spent hours and hours per week going through my life with a fine-toothed comb. I read old diaries, school reports, academic transcripts, letters e.t.c over and over again. I'm forever thinking about the past and looking back at old photographs. I'm constantly...
  9. P

    Mood Swings and OCD

    My moods have settled a lot since starting 5 HTP (although I am seriously dreading having my week off from taking it to avoid tolerance!), but I used to have pretty bad mood swings. Are mood swings just a "normal" part of OCD? Or are they more likely to be caused by my hormonal problems?
  10. P

    This is just getting ridiculous...

    I'm obsessed by the thought that I've got multiple mental disorders. I trawl through the DSM-IV day after day and I've matched myself to about a dozen different disorders, convinced that they I've got them all (or at least have many of the symptoms). I'm constantly analysing my...
  11. P

    The Pitfall of Recovery...

    With a bit of self- help and a natural remedy, my whole life has turned around. Finally. Without the help of doctors, or toxic pharmaceuticals or patronizing and expensive therapists, I am now able to live the life I've wanted for years. I lived for 4.5 years with bouts of depression...
  12. P

    Is the grass REALLY greener??

    I'm getting better. I've started taking 5 HTP and I'm feeling a lot better. Positive feelings, less compulsions, much happier, HUGE reduction in suicidal thoughts, generally more upbeat e.t.c. ALL this after only 12 days! I can't believe I never did it sooner! BUT I'm still worried about two...
  13. P

    My Hypocritical Fear...

    I know this is going to sound hypocritical (and I certainly don't mean any offence to anyone by saying this), but does anyone else fear mental illness? I know that sounds ridiculous given that OCD is a mental illness itself, but does anyone else have these kind of fears... I know I have OCD...
  14. P

    5 htp

    I've heard about the vitamin called 5- HTP being very good for depression and, possibly, OCD. Has anyone had any success with this? I'm curious to hear any stories.
  15. P

    Addicted to Chat Rooms/Message Forums...

    I first started chatting online when I was 11 and now that I'm 20, I realised that I've never been without it! I've been on different forums at different times of my life (e.g. general teen forums, forums about schoolwork/college, this OCD forum e.t.c.), but they're a common theme throughout my...
  16. P

    Approval, Help & Mothers....

    I desperately need the approval of my mother in all ways. When she's is critical of me or points out my flaws, it's the most painful thing on earth. I'm obsessed with pleasing her. I want to be the daughter she wants me to be in all ways yet I always feel like I've failed her. I can't understand...
  17. P

    Money Problem...

    Money hoarding is one of my obsessions and when it comes to the "big stuff" I'm good at saving my money. I don't buy $600 handbags or $450 shoes or anything. But I waste SO MUCH on the little things. I'm always buying those "little" impulse purchases that add up to hundreds and hundreds in the...
  18. P

    You know you have OCD when....

    ....when you open all the windows and doors in the house to "let the fresh, pure air in" an make sure you're not trapping germs, even though it's a freezing cold day in the middle of winter. ... when you spend so much time worrying, that you had frown lines on your head by the age of 18. ...
  19. P

    Avoiding Doctors?

    Up until last month, I was the kind of person who was at the doctors every 6-8 weeks. I needed to get every last little symptoms checked out. Finally, I had a pretty bad experience during visit, and just couldn't deal with doctors any more. I came to the realisation that I had forked out...
  20. P

    Surviving Weddings....

    So we've all backed out of after-work drinks with co-workers, or a party with a friend, or Sunday brunch at your relatives....but there's no backing out of being the Maid of Honour at your sister's wedding!!! I just don't know how I'm going to survive. Think about all the social contact...