Ooh, yes please! I'm always up for travelling somewhere new!
Yeah dishwashing is never fun. Well, it's not so bad if you're using one of those large commercial dishwashers, which is what I used most of the time when I took Culinary Arts at tech school. Takes most of the work out for you.

Even though it's not exactly fun, at least it's earning you something to get by on.
Oh I wish I was travelling the world for a year! No, I'm just taking a year off because I feel like it. I feel it's best, I need to try to get on my feet. Get my license, move out of the house, get a job, try to get therapy, basically just try to get out on my own and be more independent. It's going to be hard, but it's what I need to do I think before heading on to another university to complete my degree. Still unsure where I'm going, but I'll figure it out.