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  • hey dude, i'm out of here. Here's my email if you ever wanna chat (it's my msn too)
    Take care!
    Hi there, thanks for noticing that i haven't been around. Don't really plan to be, i find i just get annoyed being on this site.. so it is of no real help to me. I've been good bad and all between of course :), how have you been? No new poems!
    Haha yeah i wish i had come up with that its so cool, but someone else from the forum gave me that nickname i cant take credit for it. How's you spideryman,i forgot the original =/ ?
    Hi.Unfortunetly I have not done much travelling yet.Its something that Im planning to do more of in the future but its easier said than done.I have actually been getting out and about more over the last few months,trying to experience new things.Such as Museums,Art gallaries(Tate Gallaries),,seeing the large parks in London.Im planning to visit more places in the UK before heading further a fields.Places like the Lake District which is rich in hills,rivers and lakes.Scotland which is rich in nature is also on my list.Have you done much traveling around Canada.
    Hi Mr. Singh =p(LOL my AP physics teacher's name was that-horrible horrible man) anyhow just wanted to say "Hi Buddy" havent been here in a while ans i was just wondering how u were doing? Hope everything is going well and its the summer, just get out and have fun =)
    Hi.I wander how different a typical day in your city is to a normal day in London where I live.Its interesting how simplier in some ways lots of peoples lives are at least in Europe and the Western world.
    WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???? How dare you not show up to chat!!!!! >: O

    Is there a big music scene in Canada or do you listen mainly to bands from the US and Europe. The best I like mainly come from the US or Britain really.Im into rock and rnb musc.
    I didn't know where else to show you it - i don't know how to send private msgs lol.

    His inveigle ways may fool the swooning sweethearts
    But a facade is what she posits
    As he callously lives his life
    Her world is a crumbling cliff face
    Boulders crashing into the depths
    It is a deafening boom
    Not to agonise she mutters
    In her sodium river
    And his iron lake
    A diet of cake and candy soon cloys
    He will be host of his gimcrackery
    Does he not consider this to be a portent?
    Oh, for his importunate actions
    Leads to her fatal abulia
    This is their confluence
    A maelstrom state of affairs
    In which his narcissism takes a left
    But her arrow reads red
    Now he is a mile ahead
    And his breaks fail to discontinue his conduit.
    Hey.. Well it's funny people shorten on it here to all sorts of things :p it's actually "enigmatic conduit" just shared the "C" :D ... Uh it's a little hard to explain but here goes: I wrote this poem about "conduit" being paths we take in life, and well life is enigmatic i suppose.. I don't know how to explain it briefly without rambling on 10,000 words about it lol.. hope that helps.
    It's not stalkerish at all! It's one way of identifying myself, it's the same way in my family only with my dad's side..they're all engineers and mechanics. I don't have any actual plans for fourth of july, do you? I think the whole celebration and fireworks and such are overrated, but that's just me :p
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