G G gummybear22 Jan 15, 2013 oh! *'_'* *chews you then spits you out and tries to use you as paste. when that doesn't work, stretches you out over a bowl to make a drum*
oh! *'_'* *chews you then spits you out and tries to use you as paste. when that doesn't work, stretches you out over a bowl to make a drum*
kilojoule Aug 12, 2012 well I'm in mibbit now and you're the one who's not there why you no mibbit no more?!
B Beatrice Sep 10, 2011 Hello there, I saw you were in the chatbox but I missed you. Hope things are going well over there!
MoniqueNS Aug 31, 2011 This is a very delayed response! But I'm doing ok, just trying to move forward as always. How have you been?
This is a very delayed response! But I'm doing ok, just trying to move forward as always. How have you been?
Ransfordrowe Aug 23, 2011 Hi.The Football Premier league or soccer season has just restarted again in England.Arsenal have already lost on the pitch and have lots Fabregas.A bad start.
Hi.The Football Premier league or soccer season has just restarted again in England.Arsenal have already lost on the pitch and have lots Fabregas.A bad start.
alwaysrunning Aug 15, 2011 You are missed buddy =(. I hope you are having fun in India with all those pretty girls, and your family of course. Come back soooooooooooooon.
You are missed buddy =(. I hope you are having fun in India with all those pretty girls, and your family of course. Come back soooooooooooooon.