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  • It wasn't that I didn't see it; it was just that I had fallen asleep in front of my computer::eek::. Something that's starting to become common for me.
    Perhaps a bit too real but ill take it. =) I can buy a new shirt any other time.
    Thank You oh so very much.
    Okay, if this doesn't do it for you as a real hug, I don't know... although, you might need a new shirt after this hug...

    Oh sorry just read your reply today about feeling lonely around your friends...Yeah I barely see mine anymore...I pretty much stay in my home alone.
    "hello, im new here and thought id introduce myself to people, i mean how do ppl get to know each other here?"

    Hi, sorry, I dont usually use the minimsger :b Just answer posts, ask questions, use chat and msger and ppl will get to know you :)
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