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  • lmao sorry I typed so much... and there is a 1000 word limit on these visitor messages which is why I had to break it down into 4 parts xD... and I was gonna send it to you in PM's but your inbox is full @.@ and Then I had to send these backwards so I hope it all makes sense ^^ oh well lol...

    I have been a member of the SGI-USA (Soka Gakkai International) for about 5 years now. Chanting definitely helps, more than I can ever describe. It gives me determination and strength and courage to overcome anything, and I literally mean anything! Throughout the years I have gone up and down in my faith and practice but I can say with certainty that when I do chant, my life condition is improved 10 fold.
    As you know the purpose of Buddhism is to attain Buddhahood, which in modern terms could be understood as realizing absolute happiness- a state of happiness than can never be destroyed or defeated. Nichiren Daishonin states, "There is no true happiness for human beings other than chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo." It's not only the title of the Lotus Sutra, but I read somewhere that the noise and vibrations that our voices make while we chant are the sounds of the universe on the molecular level.. with everything, living an non living. (And that's the Mystic Law that Shyakamuni Buddha realized while sitting under the Bodhi tree when he attained enlightenment those 3000 years ago... that everything is constantly changing and breaking down and reforming....the universe is impermanent etc etc etc far too long and philosophical to go into detail here, but you get the idea xD) Anyway, they say that when we chant our hearts beat as one with the universe... and when
    I think about that... that I have the whole universe backing me when I chant Daimoku.. I feel like I can accomplish anything... And if you think about it, whether that is actually true or not, that chanting works... just that feeling of unstoppable determination and courage alone helps me ^^ And I know that's like all rather metaphysical and what not... and very, very brief so sorry if it didn't make much sense...

    ANYWAY, sorry for the long message lol sometimes I get carried away. I guess I coulda just said yes it helps! But if you read my posts you probably noticed I type A LOT!

    What type of Buddhism does your family practice? Are they members of the SGI? Well, if you ever want to know more, I would be happy to talk to you about it. This practice changed my life... I still struggle of course, but I would probably have committed suicide long ago if it wasn't for this Buddhism. It has seen me through the darkest of times. Even now... And I know it's the religious side of me talking
    (and yes, us Buddhists are just as bad as most Christians OR WORSE when it comes to talking about our religion...) But I truly believe that chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is the greatest thing you can do for yourself. We are the only ones that can make us happy... we can't rely on anyone or anything else to do that for us and that's the beauty of Buddhism. Everyone has a Buddha nature... it's just a matter of bringing it out ^^

    And one last thing to leave you with... President Ikeda once said "If, as Buddhism teaches, "all is in flux, and there is no permanence," how do we cope with the world around us? Do we flee from it? Do we merely resign ourselves to the fleeting nature of life? Or do we challenge it? In fact, an appreciation of the constantly changing nature of all things is the key to happiness, for it means that no matter how bad a situation is, it will change. No misfortune is permanent; no misfortune insurmountable."

    ~Dev <3
    Gah! I did the same thing but I didn't see your message lol, I feel so awake at night sometimes it's hard to sleep lol
    And now back to life stuff....I'm doing the same thing i do every year think about uni, then talk myself out of it, it's become an art, the thing is i start thinking about anything that would be a cool thing to do but not necessarily something that i'm lol..'passionate' about. I would just way prefer to do a course in something that i've been doing for a few years *cough* *photography* *cough* (that's my brain getting my attention), but that's something i wouldn't actually want to take a course in - i got my own style, i hold the camera under one leg and close my eyes...

    So yeh....sorry reading that now it's quite confusing, hard to write thoughts down the same way they're thought...lol..
    Well it's not like there's a time limit or anything just do stuff when you're ready, we're only early twenties....still in the sorting stuff out stage, the teens being the best part of your life is just bull - unless they don't know how to live, it's a things can only get better sorta thing....lol...yeh..

    ....On another note it's snowing like crazy here, for SW England at least, we've actually got enough for it to be called snow, 'Hear my snow boots crunch through the wasteland' ahhh facebook status for that'n anyway gonna have to take a walk and get so photies.

    ---------------Piss 1000 character limit------------------------
    Yeah you say that now, but you won't love the rain after awhile lol. That is funny though, I know I heard it never rains in Southern California lol, I want to go there to be warm and you would rather move here with the evergreen trees and cold. I'll switch you right now and then you can be with your bf in this cold rainy state haha.

    And yeah I failed at sleep last night, I fell asleep around like 5 =( . It's good though since I didn't get much sleep I can go to bed earlier, I'm already a lil sleepy lol. So do you work or go to school or anything at the moment?
    Ah yehhh two years, dedicated...it also unfortunately happens to be the same amount of time i've been sitting on my ass lol could be a connection there. Yeh i woulda just been sitting around on chat or forums if i didn't go to that thing, in fact that's what i was doing until i eventually went...i'm generally late to stuff lol. Nice that you go together with your grandpeeps though and ham is always good, i'm also hoping this year will be more eventful, you got any plans?
    awh, i'm here for you if you want to talk about it.

    God, that means a lot to me, thanks. Yeah, that's exactly my point! why are you the only one who understands that? it seems to be difficult to understand for some people.
    It was never my intention to make a big deal about it, you know. But males can cause me a lot of anxiety and i'm actually scared of them. They're like animals sometimes.
    hah, a little harsh. I got sick after two lines, i just can't read it. It'll tear me down because i can't take that kind of criticism, i don't even want to visit my own thread again because of my anxiety. I feel scared, i'm a pansy.

    I'm fine apart from the thread. Guess life could be better :)
    I'm from Washington....so rainy and cloudy all the time but I've always wanted to move to Cali! I used to live in the city but recently moved to a small town and its hard getting used to it, not many people out at night and not much to do, I went from one extreme to another and now I live around rednecks and they look at me funny lol.
    Lol well you did it to yourself by choosing that name! And if you send me a virus I'm screwed becuase my antivirus program thing just went down and keeps telling me to subscribe again lol. So I'm assuming your from California if it's around the same time for you as it is for me, you look like a California girl, amirite? lol
    Yes, Isn't it great to make a new online friend lol, I would try to sleep but I know it cannot be done right now, I feel tired but so awake at the same time lol. And you should be sleeping seeing how your name is sleepingbeauty and all!
    Yo! Ah i know i'm sorry also, my plan was to keep in touch with stuff i was doing but i haven't really done anything lol..so that didn't really work. Anyways yeh christmas and new years was freaking awesome, christmas was same ol but at my bro's house, was a pretty big deal for them but i got turkey and presents and therefore all the good stuff in life, so pretty perfect lol......New years went to a friends house, kinda missed the new years bit though like the countdown and everything the clock we were looking at was fast but nobody really cares about that it's more just another occasion to drink. So how was yours? and how have you been? **** really has been ages, i notice you're kicking ass on facebook games though. You look good by the way and !!! your pup is damn cute (just looked at your album)
    It is fantabulous that you are doing okay. Well... of course it would be better if you were "great!", but hopefully the new year will bring that. :D Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too!!
    Sleeping beauty eh? Well that sounds pretty cool. So, what exactly do you do in your sleep? I mean.. I know you can go on spw, but can you also romp in gardens? Can you eat cotton candy? Or is it simply sleeping and going on spw. Hmmm. Very interesting idea... SlEePiNg BeAuTy. :-D Well, Hello!!!! How are you?
    Uh oh. I didnt mean it!! I didnt mean to make two posts.. oh no! I will now crawl to the worms and eat an alligator. :-( :-(
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