Recent content by virtue

  1. virtue

    my heart breaks for everyone here

    after reading a few of these posts i have come to realise i am very lucky,my social anxiety is not anywhere near as bad as a lot of you,ive kissed girls,ive had sex,ive been in love and im good looking,but i still have it ,and almost everyday is a battle for me ,and although i feel that i have...
  2. virtue

    alcohol anxiety experiment

    i usually drink every weekend on fri and sat night which leaves me with chronic anxiety on monday and sometimes beyond,this weekend i only drank on fri,i still had some anxiety on sunday but today i feel fine,ive been drinking evey weekend since i was about 15 and thats about when my anxiety...
  3. virtue

    is it normal to seem awkard on dates?

    just wondering if a girl goes out with a guy and he seems a little awkward when they first meet,is that pretty normal or will she think he is really shy, i dont even know if i am really shy,but i hate the fact that if she thinks i am she wont like me cause i seem weak, man i really need a bit...
  4. virtue

    random idiots

    so some guy just hits me last night for no apparent reason and just walks off,then i go up to him and ask what the fuck was that for ,then he proceeds to put a ciggarette out on my face and bust my lip open,what a beautiful world we live in
  5. virtue

    punk rock

    beneath all my anxiety beats the heart of a punk,i love everything punk entails,the i dont give a fuck attitude,the self destruction,the energy of fast music,not caring what anyone thinks,i know its me and so do my friends but my anxiety keep me from being me most of the time,i fkn rip the...
  6. virtue

    im meeting a girl,tips?

    im meeting this girl on wed night but dont really know what to,the bad thing is shes not 18 so we can go drinkin,which would take a shit load of pressure off,ive gotta get some balls right here and just do it ,ive already passed up to many oppurtunitys,any tips, ideas?
  7. virtue


    i used to smoke pot all the time but i stopped cause it was giving me hell bad anxiety,but only when i a few years later ive stopped completely but the anxiety has remained,when i was younger i used to be a little shy,no anxiety though,im almost positive the pot did something to me...
  8. virtue

    unable to smile

    when i have bad anxiety its like impossible to smile then people ask me whats wrong cause i just look sad,things just build up in me so im just about to pass out,and bright lights in shops,they make me feel really dizzy,i am lucky in a way cause im pretty sure my best friend has it to but we...
  9. virtue

    anyone from perth here?

    hey there people ,just wanna chat or meet ppl with who feel like me,its great to know im not alone :)
  10. virtue

    life going nowhere

    i am 23 years old pretty much unemployed and have chronic anxiety,while everyone around me seems to be happy and living interesting lives i am stuck in a vicious cycle of anxiety, alcohol,loneliness and depression,i cant get close to anyone really and am not even comfortable around my family...
  11. virtue


    i was out drunk the other night and started talking to this girl ,it was going good but then she asked to go for a walk,once we were alone i just freaked out because i didnt want her to know i was actually not the loud confident guy she thought i was,then i just made some excuse and bailed,i...