im meeting a girl,tips?


Active member
im meeting this girl on wed night but dont really know what to,the bad thing is shes not 18 so we can go drinkin,which would take a shit load of pressure off,ive gotta get some balls right here and just do it ,ive already passed up to many oppurtunitys,any tips, ideas?


Well-known member
You could go see a movie. That would eliminate having to make conversation for a couple of hours, at least. Afterward, you could go get something to eat.


Active member
yeah i gues but i hate the idea of like going to a restaurant it always feels masively awkward,something about it just seems a little weird to me,leaves to much room for awkward silence as apposed to seeing a band or something
Why not try and find a place that offers food and live music. That might take the pressure off a little.

Think about topics you would like to discuss before the date also.


Well-known member
5 Top tips:

1) Forget trying to over impress
This only adds pressure for you, raises your own expectations of how you 'perform' and inhibits you from being natural.

2) Be Natural!
When you are natural, you are comfortable, when comfortable you are confident and self assured when you are like this you are naturally funny, naturally likeable.

3) Dont try to be someone you think she'll like
Its easy to act all confident & strong, you dont need to do this, besides it's really tiring. You also don't have to be a comedian and have a witty remark for everything. If she doesnt like you, no big deal, everyone has different taste.

4) Friendly, Flirty, Fun
Forget about anything else, forget about being anxious, just have a laugh.

5) Just have fun for the sake of having fun and see what happens.
And finally, dont think with your penis, just let things happen naturally.



New member
stop wanting wont get anxious over what you are not attached to. When you dont want, you wont worry....

if you cant get there now, then at least remind yourself that there are tons more women out there to want and she will not be as important to you, hence less stress.


I've been told by a female friend (a person I know furthest from having any social disorder) that going to a movie is something you want to save until later on in a relationship (be it friendly or intimate) for the simple fact that you DONT talk during it. Getting to know one another is a healthy start to a relationship. Bowling perhaps? It would be no less interaction with other people that a resturant, and it would be a good way to relieve some stress through mild exercise. Besides, no one ever cares if you bowl a 50 unless you're in a league. Just a suggestion.