Recent content by Vanialo28

  1. V

    Funny Stuff! :D

  2. V

    Phrases and Poems about Shyness

    "Men feel disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them." Epictetus "There exists nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." William Shakespeare Exodus 4:10-12 "Oh, Lord, I (Moses) am not a man of words.. for I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue.." And the...
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    Excerpt From: "A New Guide to Rational Living"

    Book from Dr. Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper Excellent stuff!! :) Certain negative emotions seem especially to aid to survival. Thus, if you did not feel displeased, sorry, regretful, annoyed, irritated, frustrated, or disappointed when you suffer hunger, injury, or defeat would you feel...
  4. V

    I'm destined to be alone forever..

  5. V

    We are Living in The "Last Days"!!

  6. V

