Recent content by Tryin

  1. Tryin

    Screw neurotypical! Be proud of what you are!

    Hello everyone! How are things today? Want to share these thoughts... Because this site can be so negative sometimes (not blaming anyone... I admit that our reality can often be very negative..) I mean, I think that you can still be alright. You can be positive. Even if you have social phobia...
  2. Tryin

    Hysterical reactions to anxiety

    Hey everyone, this is Sue speaking. I haven't been around for some time, because my anxieties seemed to have decided to let me breathe and have a life, finally. But now I feel it's all come back. I'm going crazy once again, so I'm going to visit this site once again. Actually, it feels good to...
  3. Tryin

    Coming out (my personal emancipation)

    Hello people. I don't care if you'll like me for what I write or if reading it'll do you any good. I feel the importance of me being authentic and sharing this thoughts of mine with whoever is interested. Ende. So, here it goes: I, Sue, am social phobic. I behave and feel "abnormally" in...
  4. Tryin


    Don't you find that you anxiety level is fluctuating rather than steady? My problems use to come and go, so that I have a good period and then it hits me again and I have some bad times for a while and so on. Well. Any shared thoughts will be appretiated.
  5. Tryin

    Real us.

    Last night I watched a documentary about fighting bulimia and one of the questioned girls said something that really left me thinking. Basically, she said that it was especially hard to let go of one's destructive habits (inducing vomiting and obsessing over weight and food, in this case)...
  6. Tryin


    Anyone else here having depersonalization disorder? How are you battling?
  7. Tryin

    Need some support right now

    Ok now I'm gonna be a selfish teenage whiner screaming for attention for a while. You know, I don't feel too good right now. I used to be really excited about how things were looking up for the last few weeks, going round this site putting nice-but-stupid posts everywhere, and going round my...
  8. Tryin

    Trouble wtih my parents

    Oh, help me now, please. Recently I've been feeling lot of separation from reality (I guess this weird feelings could be classified as depersonalization, here's a link for everyone who hasn't heard about it yet: It's always hard for me to grasp...
  9. Tryin

    Let's do it.

    Hi darlings. First, I send much love and support to each and every of you. (Wow, look what a sweet sentimental state of mind Sue's in :) ) I've been thinking... why don't we all start (slowly) moving on? Actually, I am sure we are all constantly progressing, in a way, even when we think we are...
  10. Tryin


    well there have been several threads about music and movies.. so why won't we start another one about literature? what are your favourite books and in which ways do they help you? mine are Adrian Mole series, The Catcher In The Rye and just about anything by John Irving. i love Irving because...
  11. Tryin

    funny voice

    just wondered if someone here has the same problem.. sometimes, when talking to someone i do not know well, i completely lose control over my voice. it changes into a hardly hearable soprane and people often have to ask me to repeat what i said, which always makes me even more nervous. and...
  12. Tryin

    are you happy?

    i know, i know you all have problems. i know things can be pretty tough. but still - do you feel comfortable in your very own little world? are you satisfied and fulfilled despite your SP? are you happy?
  13. Tryin

    another wasted day.. or not?

    :) just thought i would share this with u: sometimes i feel so much good-for-nothing, ungood and wasting so much time. but when i take a piece of paper and write down everything i did that day, it always makes me feel much much better. today i: got up talked to dad (without arguing - now...
  14. Tryin

    feeling down without reason

    i need help. feel so much down. hardly can breathe. nervous. terrible. depressed. desperately want to cry but can not. having actually no special reason (well i am alone at home and tomorrow have to go spend a weekend with one enviromental organization. there are going to be people who knows...