Real us.


Well-known member
Last night I watched a documentary about fighting bulimia and one of the questioned girls said something that really left me thinking. Basically, she said that it was especially hard to let go of one's destructive habits (inducing vomiting and obsessing over weight and food, in this case) because that's all what's filling your head. Your psychoses are the only thing you can be sure about because there's no way of knowing what's underneath. You only know your obsession, but you don't know your real you. And when you start breaking the old habits, you can never tell what you'll be left with after you get rid of troubles, blockes, walls, psychoses, anxieties, insanities and whatnot.

What do you think?


Well-known member
I think that noone can answer to the question "Who you are?" (I laughed when my shrink ask me and i still dont get it it.. I m a thinking individua that is always changing, i can switch my attitudes as long as i want to, no matter if it was a time when i was consequent. And i think that everyone is like me...panta rei, yeah) .There are more or less secure individuals. Shrinks usually treats alcoholic by giving them valium tablets. There are just switching 'pathologies' . most painful pathology to me is loneliness. Everyone suffers it to certain degree in some point in life, but unlike us "SA-ers" , people know how to wear masks. I dont know, i cant be with someone whose personality (at the time) i despise. And besides, being with someone doesnt cure ones loneliness at all. Only a good laughter and own creativity.


Well-known member
"You only know your obsession, but you don't know your real you"

Wonderful point!

In the context of social anxiety, imagine living in a world where you experience no debilitating social anxiety. Where we feel comfortable around others, where you don't have to worry about freaking out or being seen in a certain way, you could just be your real self.

Is this possible?

Absolutely!!!!!! How?

Our mind perceives our world. If no social anxiety arises in our mind, we wont experience it in our world.

Social anxiety is a negative state of mind that continues to deceive us because our mind does not realise the truth. We are mistakenly unaware of how this state of mind has polluted how we relate to our self, others, our world. It's nonsense to live in fear. It's nonsense to be afraid of speaking to others. It's nonsense to continue living like this. It's not the real truth.

If our mind is experiencing this social anxiety, our mind usually believes it's powerful spell and we become deceived by it and continue to feed our obsession, this deception, this inner confusion. So painful, frightening.

How do we break the deceptive spell of anxiety and live a life without it's powerful influence?

We cease giving it power. We cease believing it to be who we are. It's ridiculous. How many of you have thought it's crazy to be this afraid? Probably all of you. Why then does it keep appearing to our mind? Because we are still giving it power. A familiar obsession. Our mind re-cognizes or remembers this madness and our mind follows it without question when we notice we are afraid or anxious. We are not the state of mind anxiety. It's something that our mind is mistaken about.

If you are aware and pay attention when you are anxious, you will notice it comes in waves, like thoughts that appear then disappear, getting stronger dependent on how much you are believing it to be you. When you can see your anxiety at a distance in your mind and cease to believe it to be you, you break the spell, you cease feeding its power source. I find this extremely interesting to watch in my mind.

No one wants to experience this social anxiety, it just happens, it arises in our mind, it's not the real 'me'. We could argue that we are all our thoughts even the negative ones like anxiety. But we don't choose to be anxious, we are more our self when we are calm at peace and in control seeing things clearer, this is closer to our real nature, the truth of things.

Take yourself at your most peaceful, the reason we can't be this person all the time is because states of mind like anxiety make us believe we should be afraid of others etc. Nonsense. You don't feel yourself, cant be yourself. The more we become familiar with this peaceful self which is based on a sense of truth, the anxious self slowly disappears as if it never existed.
