Helmaninquiel May 7, 2014 Not bad, at the moment I'm browsing the web listening to music and relaxing lol you?
Stressball May 7, 2014 Not too bad, sick with a head cold. I read you are from New York, always wanted to visit there.
THeCARS1979 Feb 1, 2013 Im alright , off and on, get the feeling I want to give up on relationships. I feel like I did so much. My hair is looking great actually though
Im alright , off and on, get the feeling I want to give up on relationships. I feel like I did so much. My hair is looking great actually though
crystna85 Jan 30, 2013 lol yea apparently i already had an account when i was trying to sign up I just forgot about it,haha.
lol yea apparently i already had an account when i was trying to sign up I just forgot about it,haha.