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  • So I was outside taking some pictures and I came to the astounding realization that it's really cold out there. Also, there's a bunch of slush and crap all over the place. Because the big storm that rolled through here today came from the general direction of FIBland, I'm holding you personally responsible for this.
    I was feeling a bit asocial for a while there. but I'm doing well thank you. :)

    I'm all prepared to sacrifice my life (such as it is) to Skyrim when it comes out of Friday.

    You are officially the coolest person here
    Now look what you've done. You've started a fight about the octopuses/octopi thing, and now I have to go and disagree with a bunch of people. It's your fault.
    Hey you, sorry to tug the heart strings. I should put this on copy and paste. I didn't make the post my wife did, she has issues with me being on forums, paranoia, she thinks I'm talking to other women and having an emotional affair with the people I talk too. She also deleted everything in my account.
    I check the site every now and then but it has been a really long time since I stopped posting regularly. Since around the time you joined, I think. Not sure why but I can't really get myself to post anymore. I almost feel as if my SP got a tad better in real life and a tad worse on here, if that makes any sense. But I'm okay, thanks.

    I hope you are doing well too. Got your book yet? ;)
    Perhaps we could talk about where our (read: your) fancy lays in a room alone with me, huddled together, surrounded by lit candles and the beams of the moon upon us:cool:. Doesn't that sound romantic? Once you tell me where your fancy is, I will then proceed to tickle it until you cry uncle or if I think you might laugh yourself to death:rolleyes:.
    Oh, you can tell me, my dear;). Mayhaps over private/public messaging or a good drink:cool:. How does that sound to you?
    You know, for someone who also has on the "Interests" part Life, the universe and everything, I think is outrageous that I don't know which one is your favorite book from the series ;)
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