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  • Hi Sprawling,
    Did you received my message?
    Please kindly take it into account and advise me what to do.
    Thanks and best regards.
    Thanks Sprawling,
    I bought the Ionmat Iontophoresis machine (https://www.ionomat.com/en/)
    After 5 treatments (with 2-day frequency), I got very good result. Then I kept the frequency of 3-4 days/treatment and the efficiency last for 1.5 months.
    Then the efficiency reduced.
    I then increased the frequency to 2 days/treatment and the efficiency returned.
    But it last for about 2 weeks, then reduced again (although I still kept the 2-day frequency).
    Now I'm still keeping this 2-day frequency, but my hands are still wet (not very wet as before using this machine, but far from the initially-good result).
    Actually I don't have any anxiety, medication, or living place changing; I used only one tap water source (for about 2 weeks until now I used Lavie bottled mineral water instead, with some added baking soda).
    But no progress.
    Please kindly advice me what to do, because I'm so sad. And I understand that you have much experience in this.
    Thanks a lot and best regards.
    Hi Sprawling,
    My name is Pham, from Vietnam. I myself suffered from sweaty hands for about more than 30 years.
    I have just known about this forum, and see that you have a lot experience coping with this Hyperhidrosis. So I really would like to talk with you and share more information and experience.
    Thanks a lot and best regards.
    Hi.I noticed you live in Los Vegas.Its strange but I did not think that people lived in Los Vegas but go there for holidays and breaks.Obviously I wrong about that.What is it like living in Los Vegas?
    Hi Sprawling. I've been doing iontophoresis for awhile, mostly using home made setup of lantern battery and alligator clips. I recent bought the same Galvanic Stimulator unit you've been talking about in many of your posts. Ultra-G Digital Galvanic Stimulator – OTCWholesale.com

    I was hoping you could answer a couple questions I had about the operation and your experience with the unit.

    1) Does it matter if you're using Continuous or Alternating current?
    2) Does it matter what rate you have it set at? I've been using 100 Hz and it seems OK.
    3) Do you have to switch polarities between sessions like most people recommend when using the home made setup?

    Hope this message finds you well. Happy holidays.
    Hey Sprawling. I just wanted to say how much I liked a very recent post of yours. I am a guy but it was a bit touching because it was the same story of my life and experience with HH. You were right...in the past people did treat the condition like it was all in our heads or that we were just out of shape. I may be a strong person and have overcome better than a lot of sufferers but I cannot help but feel a bit robbed in life for the toll it has taken. And like you my condition started at a young age and has progressively gotten worse and worse as I have aged now into my mid 40's. This forum is the first place I found to offer possible treatments from other HH sufferers. For that I am thankful because it lead me to the somewhat successful treatment I am on now.

    Thanks again for the post and your insight,
    Hi Tyler,I hope things are good with you. My daughter has had a slight improvement with her hands after her 7 treatments.She sweats most places but at least it will make life a little easier if one part of her body improves! We are off on holiday soon, dreading the heat myself but I guess I should be grateful of a holiday.lol. How are things with you? X
    Hi Tyler

    Thanks so much for your input. My daughter also has chronic pain and takes a number of pain medications. She doesn't take it daily as she feels that it doesn't help with pain management but interesting that this may be a factor.
    You are right that maybe the stress of school,hormones etc may hinder the effects of ionto.
    I appreciate wht you are saying about a different machine,that this may not make a difference but worth a try I guess.She was so upset recently that she got the lowest score in her class on a test paper, she explained that she just couldn't write any more due to her paper being soaked.This will start to effect her school grades I'm sure.
    Thanks again,I willkeep you updated.x
    Mich, Hope it works out for your daughter. I wonder why they are so concerned... oh well, better to be safe. Hidrex is a good machine, it plugs in. I'm sure the one the drs use will be similar to yours. Anyways, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the both of you. Tyler
    Hi Tyler, got a letter yesterday to say that I have to take my daughter to the hospital for ionto treatments with the Robinul powder in the water. The letter says that they are worried that she may have a reaction to the powder and if she uses it home it may not be advisable! So fingers crossed an appointment comes through soon. I know the machine at the hospital is different to mine at home( hidrex at home), so we'll see if that makes a difference also. I'm just so desperate to find something to help her. Thanks for your concern.micheele
    I wonder why it's taking so long? I hope it helps your daughter. My treatments are magically working again...yeahhh. I still find your situation interesting where treatments work for you, but not your daughter. Does ionto work even a small bit for her? I guess the problem is nobody really knows why it works in the first place. Have you tried crushing glyco tablets?

    Like I mentioned before, have her just blame you.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Hi Tyler, just waiting to pick up the powder so my daughter hasn't tried it yet. Been waiting all this time for a dermatologist to organise it! Will let you know how we get on x
    That is so cool that your daughter might be seeing some dryness! Ionto is so weird sometimes. Just when I think I figured out how to alter treatment, things change. I've been doing treatment for over 6 years and lately my severe fibromyalgia is causing body sweats and affecting my hands. My hands get damp even with treatment. I'm waiting for it to rain here in Nevada. Fresh rainwater works while storing it for 6 months seems to effect the quality. None of it makes sense.

    Is your daughter on any type of medication? Sometimes meds can affect or contribute to sweating. Another thing to look at is why treatment might be starting to work for your daughter. What variables changed? If what she's doing is starting to work, stick with it. In a months time I go back to Utah for a about a month. WEird thing is the ionto will work like a charm. Not only does water have an affect, I'm wondering if altitude somehow has an effect.

    Keep me posted on how the treatments working.

    Hi tyler
    Well guess what? My daughter has reported a slight reduction in sweating today,pretty exciting stuff!ha. Not sure if it's because we've used less water,used rainwater or have been taken 2 day breaks over the last week.Fingers crossed!
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