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  • supposedly that pertains to all of them - unfortunately, I haven't tried to change all of mine

    by the way - you are looking super hot in your profile pic :]
    Thanks for accepting! I like your posts from what I've seen so far (they're interesting) + it's not often I get to meet other Pacific Islanders :p
    Hey... seems that the science thread is a success. I'm still trying to look up for decent online work. Argh... If it's not for feeling tired all the time from insomnia, I would have finished doing so already.
    Well the right decision, by definition, is always the one that leads to long term happiness. :) But which choice will lead to that? It's impossible to say. You can only weigh up the odds, and take your chances.

    But I hope that whatever option you choose, it brings you the happiness you are looking for.
    Hehe.. you're more adventurous than me. I do try out different things from other cultures, but usually only the basic ones... not the "exotic" ones.
    Yes... usually spicy from what I know. What kind of Italian food do you usually do? I've tried all kinds of foods from various cultures except French... Don't really get the snails and all.

    Indonesian food is pretty nice. You can make it yourself if you really want to. Just download the recipes hehe... I just love eating good food lol..
    Your name change really threw me. I was looking at my friends list and was "Wha...who now??". :) I like the new avatar. Very serene and peaceful.
    Hi. Thanks. I've taken a look into it. I'll try and find a good article that showcases the common and genuine work opportunities online once I'm free.
    Oh right! Well I'm sure you'll do great! That is brave of you to be able to do that/have done it since then, at least from my perspective, I know I'm not you haha.
    Yes! exactly that! Or the fact that he cant do it without getting too emotionl or something haha. And yes, I hear they only did daddy once or something haha.

    I came across this yesterday.
    YouTube - PiL LIVE @ SZIGET 2010 Part 1
    Although its not the originla lineup I like apart from the singer, I thought this as a really good performance, and I liked the emotion put into this too, especially from 8:32 to 9:00, check tha bit out if anything haha, if you have time. I also tink its awesome how they go into that song from the other, from 5:29 to 57.
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