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  • Oh i know that isn't your intention at all, you're too nice to purposely come on here to make others feel bad, you're one of the good guys hehe
    And you're right, every single person on this forum has their place, whether they have just replied once or are a prolific poster, we're all as important as each other, just sometimes i wish i were able to voice my thoughts as articulate as others. i worry about offending people with what i say so i tend to stay off in depth conversations, i'm a pussy at heart lol but you Serafina are most definately an asset to this forum, you kind of joined at the same time as AgoraphobicKate, and you guys were such a breath of fresh air, it's not ofen we get strong women on here but when we do it is totally appreciated :)
    A lot of people feel inadequate when someone is able to speak their mind on here, i'm useless at saying what i think or feel, but i totally appreciate the people who can stand up for themselves or are just able to word what they want to say perfectly! it's refreshing to have people like that, and at the end of the day if people don't like what you say, then they don't need to read it, or be your friend on here hehe
    I know what you mean totally, but i can't see why anyone would refuse a friend request from you, i've seen a lot of your posts and they are nothing but helpful and nice, you shouldn't worry about what people think...although saying that, i worry too much as well, if someone rejects my friend invite i get into a tizzy lol
    Hiya Serafina, i've been meaning to add you for ages, but i chickened out (silly me! lol) thanks for adding me :)
    Nope, we weren't, I guess! I needed you to be my friend to be able to post on your wall, hahah :D

    I deleted that post because I thought it was a stupid joke, considering that I really don't talk regularly with anyone here... ::eek::
    im having a bit of an off day, it will pass i hope. i hope you are doing well :)
    and leave my ****in posts alone, or i will report you to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,erm,,,,,,,,,,,,you! :D
    Hey! I'm not too bad, thankyou very much. I got a day off college because of the the snow, which I'm very glad about, and will also do tomorrow. So I've mainly been resting haha. And how's yourself?
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