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  • Oh no, sorry for the long delay. :C

    But it's actually a original signature. You see, I'm a massive dork. :X ;)
    I was just creeping on your blog, it's really cool! You have an amazing life, pretty much the one I want to have :p All that gardening and outdoorsy stuff, so jealous! :)
    I'm the captain of fun and the god of procrastination and of being a lazy jerk:D!

    No, no laptop fires Marie::p:. Just do what I do. Focus on your own life and don't go looking for arguments. Cut down on the sources for social media and further your life.
    I won't be hanging around, my absolutely sweet friend:). I'll be sitting across from you, roasting fish in the fire between us while we reflect on cheese and grammar:D.

    So what's got you stressed?
    Hey that's good to hear - I am well too, well...about as well as I can be I guess :p
    Yes I totally know what you mean, I am often in that position as well - I read a lot of your posts too and mean to respond but I get distracted and then subsequently forget what it was I was supposed to be responding too - I do like the way that you always offer advice based on your own experience when I read what you have to say, I think that illustrates a great deal of sincerity. I think thats all anyone can do really - I enjoy your presence here... hey...it had to be said. I hope you stick around.
    If only we could add tonality to the text... or perhaps someone *should* invent a sarcasm font... that would be kind of cool.... I am sure many misunderstanding would be avoided...
    Thank you though.
    Sorry. I didn't realize you were joking, sarcasm is hard to pick up online sometimes - I am taking myself far too seriously of late. Anyway - just thought I would apologize to you, and that I do understand jest when I see it. :)
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