B Beatrice Apr 26, 2011 Blueberries? BLUEberries? BlueBERRIES? BLUEBERRIES? Yeah... emotions. And stuff. Thanks. haha : )
NathanielWingatePeaslee Apr 26, 2011 Oh, so you and Lemur are conspiring to starve the cows, eh? Bast@rds!
B Beatrice Apr 26, 2011 Not really. But I am trying really hard to keep my emotions in check. This is going to be a rough three+ weeks.
Not really. But I am trying really hard to keep my emotions in check. This is going to be a rough three+ weeks.
Deus_Ex_Lemur Apr 25, 2011 Sial and Me: by Deus_Ex_Lemur: Sial's my pal, we have no foul We fly on towels wearing cowls But we have no time to feed the cows
Sial and Me: by Deus_Ex_Lemur: Sial's my pal, we have no foul We fly on towels wearing cowls But we have no time to feed the cows
NathanielWingateSpaghetti Apr 25, 2011 what? i never knew it was your bday 3 days ago. I'm sorry. Belated birthday though
Deus_Ex_Lemur Apr 22, 2011 Sial's birthday is right after mine? My eating partner's birthday is basically the same day as mine. w00t. Happy birthday!!! =) Yay. (dont get the bday blues like I eventually did...)
Sial's birthday is right after mine? My eating partner's birthday is basically the same day as mine. w00t. Happy birthday!!! =) Yay. (dont get the bday blues like I eventually did...)
E E emerald_star733 Apr 22, 2011 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIAL!!!! It is after midnight... so here is your first birthday message! All the best to you my friend on your special day
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIAL!!!! It is after midnight... so here is your first birthday message! All the best to you my friend on your special day
B Beatrice Apr 22, 2011 I know, I hate "lol" too, but I get tired of just using "haha", so I alternate OHHHHH, THAT'S what your picture is! Couldn't figure it out Btw, thanks for the compliment
I know, I hate "lol" too, but I get tired of just using "haha", so I alternate OHHHHH, THAT'S what your picture is! Couldn't figure it out Btw, thanks for the compliment
B Beatrice Apr 22, 2011 Limes??? Slime? LOLOLOL (how would you say that? "Ell-o-ell-o-ell-o-ell"? Or "lawl-awl-awl"? haha)
NathanielWingateSpaghetti Apr 21, 2011 hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii