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  • Hi.I think books in alot of cases have more depth to their characters.Films because of their usual 90 minute length,have to quickly get into the story.Books often offer more space and time to focus on characters.In a film there are alot more limits to what can be put on the screen due to factors like camereas,special affects,etc.In books an author is only really limited by things such as his imagination.What do you think.Im not sure how easy Spanish is to learn.Do you hear many different accents,languages in your area.I hear alot in my area and some are quite pleasant on the ears.French,Italian sound quite appealing when I hear them.Some other languages are quite harsh and unappealing to my ears.Nothing personal against the speaker since we are all people.Do any sounds really annoy you.
    Hi.I had a look on wilkapedia to find out more about the film Nana.The idea of two girls with the same name but different lives sounds interesting. Was the film in Japanese or English.The Japenese language looks and sounds quite complex.I wander which languages in the world are harder and easier to learn.Do you get more enjoyment out of reading or watching films.
    Okay.What was Nana about.The magic of a good film for me is how it sucks you in and holds your attention from start to finish.Whilst you are watching, in a way ,you belief the characters are alive and real.What do you think is more powerful.A good book or a good film.
    What feel good films do you like.Comedies and animated films are my favourite types of films.Films like Shrek,Over the Hedge,Toy Story,tick both boxes.Also I like Airoplane ,Something About Mary,The Wedding Singer,The Waterboy,Trading Places,Ghostbusters,Planes Trains Automobiles.Thats only a few from a long list.Do you like any of these films.
    I read that Up was one of the few animated fims to ever been nomitated for Best film at the Oscars.It has made over £600 million worldwide at the cinema.Its hard for me to pick my favourite Pixar films.But Walle,Finding Nemo,Toy Story, are three of my favourite amimated or live action films.What are some of your favourite comedy films?
    Hi.The small boy Russell from Up is quite funny and cute.I like the way that Carl Frekinson goes from being anoyyed by the kid to eventually loving him and becoming a father figure.The kid was a member of a group that was like the scouts.Did you join groups like the Guides or Brownies when you were younger.I did not join youth groups like the scouts and in some ways I wish I had.They did interesting things like nature activities,camping,sports etc. My brother was a member of the Air cadets when he was younger.Do you have things that you wish you had either done or done more of when you were younger
    The Death Note Manga title sounds interesting.I like stories with layers and depth.What is the story about.The start of Up is moving and sad in parts.It moved me abit watching the lives of the couple being shown at the films beginning.The talking dogs were quite funny at times even though it was never explained how the explorer had invented the collar.The scenes of them serving food and drinks made me smile.Which parts of the film did you like.Up as film was not particularly violent and that was good.Lots of tv programmes,books and films rely on violence to get people interested.Its a shame really because it limits the choices available if violence does not interest you.
    Music is great way to unwind and release stress,tension.The Mango story sounded interesting.I have been trying to find comic or graphic novel stories that are based on dialogue rather than agression and violence.Are there many Mango stories such as the one that you read, that are low on violence.Whats your view on films, tv programmes,books that use use violent stories.I saw the animated film Up,yesterday on BBC 3 and I quite liked it.When I tried to watch it for the first time a while ago I struggled to emotionally get into it.Have you seen Up.
    I listen to music most days and I read most days.For the last few weeks I have been reading a book by Terry Pratchett called Unseen Academics.Its set in a fantasy world called the Discworld where Dwarfs,Trolls,Magicians,Witches,etc live.His Discworld books are very funny and he explores issues like class,predjudice,greed,etc. The Discworld would be an interesting place to visit.What the most recent Manga story you read,about
    Hi.Arriety,tv wise was one of my xmas highlights.A great bit of escapism.I saw the first two Toy Story films as well.They were really good I think.Before seeing them I was not sure if they would be my kind of animated films.Here is a odd question for you.What are some of your favourite fictional worlds from books or film.Also do you do much reading.
    Hi.Hope you feel better soon.There seems to be quite a few people suffering from the Norovirus at moment.Hope you dont have that.Im a big fan of the Christian O Connel radio show on Absolute radio.His two young daughters had Norovirus and it was not much fun. Absolute radio is one of my favourite radio stations.I listen to the very funny Christain O Connel breakfast show each day.On saturdays I listen to the Frank Skinner show on the same station.It makes me laugh and so does Graham Norton's radio show on Radio 2.Do you listen to much radio.Today I saw a brillent animated film called Arriety on film 4.It was inspired by the Burrows stories about the little people.The Arriety film is an example of why I love animated films.The story in Arriety was just so moving and the setting was lovely,with lots of plants,flowers.It was made by an asian film studio and it has an asian animated feel to it.Brillent film.Have you seen it.
    Hi.Im glad xmas day is over to be honest.It was an okay day overall though.I helped out on the day by cooking the chicken and roast potatoes whilst my mum cooked the rest.My brother had to work over xmas,so he was not there on the day for the first time in years.That was a shame but we had a chat on the phone on the day.Cooking is something I enjoy and it made mum's day easier plus I felted more apart of the day.How was your xmas day and what did you have food wise.There are some good animated films on over the xmas period.I really enjoyed the animated Christmas Carol film on ITV.The Snowman film was good and I enjoyed the new one called,The Snowman and the Snowdog.The animation in the Snowmen films looks very distinctive and almost hand drawn.Its lovely.Did you see any good tv over xmas?
    I think even people who are confident in regards to their apperance,etc,still have insecurities in other areas of their life.Most people have insecurities about this or that.Some people are better at dealing with their insecurities, some people are better at hiding them,whilst others handle their insecurities poorly.The Alan character from Two and a Half men is one of my favourite characters from the show.I think from the start of the show he has not really been one of lives winners.He has small victories here and there but he is never too far from failure.He keeps going though and does not give up.One of my favourite episodes is were Alan gets a new girlfriend who is a great cook.Both Alan and Charlie start piling on the pounds.Also the episodes were Charlie sees a therapist, are some of my favourites.Merry christmas.
    We live in an appearance lead society,so a person would need to be incredible self assured and confident,to not worry even a little about their appearance.Yes,it is best to not worry about what you can not change.Its more helpful to focus on the things the person likes about themselves.Its easy to fall into the trap of needing other peoples approvable and having your self worth linked to what people think of you.I have been working on liking me for me for a while.It takes time to change bad habits though. A person needs to love themselves and accept themselves for better or worse.Would I Lie to you ,is a funny show and a clever idea.Charlie Sheen was a huge part of Two and half men for years.He is hard to replace but the Walden character played by Ashton Kucher,is growing on me.What are some of your favourite episodes of Two a Half Men?
    Do you worry alot about those things? I use to really worry about alot of things most days.Luckily I worry less now. The things I still worry about are ,not having acheived alot of my goals,growing older,paying bills,finding a partner,my anxiety.The Big Bang theory is a show that I have watched since it first started and I can not remember seeing an episode that has not made me smile.I have news for you seems to have been going for ever and it still makes me smile as well as teavhing
    What things make you feel bad.If you dont mind me asking.I watch lots of comedy shows like Cheers,Last of the Summer time,The Big Bang theory,I have news for you,8 out of 1O cats,Two and a half men,Rules of engagement.I watch sport like F1,football,World superbikes.I bought some classic vomedy dvds recently.Tony Hancocks tv show,Hancock.Comedy books by authors like T Pratchett,comedy shows,help to lift my spirits and make me smile.Do you like any of these shows.
    Im probably average when it comes to being healthy.Could be better could be worse.Many people comfort eat to make themselves feel better.I do it sometimes but Im aware of it and try not to do it too often.I dont comfort eat usually, on foods high in sugar and fat.Weight wise Im fairly happy and would class myself as average.Lots of people seem to see food almost as the enemy,due to societies expectations.I try to see food as something pleasurable.Diabetes can be a problem.Maybe you should see your gp if you are worried.What tv shows do you watch.
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