Hi.What are some of your favourite distinctive items of clothing that you use to stand out and do use hair dyes.A lady from my work place, uses red dye in her hair to create streaks.Its quite a nice look I think.
Its easy to fall into the habit of eating too much food full stop and eating too many types of food rich in fat and sugar.At times Im tempted to eat food even when Im not particularly hunger because eating gives me pleasure.I try to ask myself the questions,why am I eating again so soon,am I hunger,am I eating because I feel down.Those questions help me to control my snacking and overeating most of the time.
Its good to hear your getting out and about.Have you known this person with social anxiety long and do you help each other by discussing issues.I think having some one that can understand what your going through can be very helpful if the person is supportive and not too negative.
Im voluntarying on thursday in the gardens of a college for disabled people.
Its easy to fall into the habit of eating too much food full stop and eating too many types of food rich in fat and sugar.At times Im tempted to eat food even when Im not particularly hunger because eating gives me pleasure.I try to ask myself the questions,why am I eating again so soon,am I hunger,am I eating because I feel down.Those questions help me to control my snacking and overeating most of the time.
Its good to hear your getting out and about.Have you known this person with social anxiety long and do you help each other by discussing issues.I think having some one that can understand what your going through can be very helpful if the person is supportive and not too negative.
Im voluntarying on thursday in the gardens of a college for disabled people.