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  • hey pink i think i need your email address to add into the system and it will send you an invite to the group i made. you can PM it to me, and your username just in case.

    EDIT: Actually that's not necessary. I'll give you the password and name of the group tomorrow.:)
    I'd like to see other parts of africa too. it's really a diverse and beautiful continent.

    i think i figured out how we can swap our stickers. just click on the "collectors group" and start a group. then invite whoever you want to join.
    Is Lulabelle the laid-back white one in the vid?

    Oh and ya, I LOVE the rain (except when I'm in traffic or trying to do something outside). When it rains, everyone stays inside, the streets are super quiet, and the few people that are out and about are too busy worrying about staying dry to take notice of you. :D Plus, I think the pitter-patter of rain is like the most calming sound in the world. :)

    Oh, but anyway, I don't expect you to understand since you're a female. haha. Seems like all women prefer the sun and sunny days... Not only "prefer" but need it for your mood and well-being. :) Just another thing that makes women and men different, I guess. :D
    I usually give virtual hugs when someone is sad, but I think I am going to give them just for the heck of it now lol :p Oh forreal you can show me the good stuff. I mostly know about California since I am originally from there, I will show you the hot spots too :p That's not sad at all, you just love where you come from like I do :D Yes, post em! Now I am excited to see them hahaha
    Yeah it's been hot here, about 29 celcius. I don't like it much though because it makes me lazy. Mind you i don't like cold weather either!

    Ah, no worries. I'm as relaxed about my race and culture as they come. :) I think acknowledging and laughing about our inherent differences (vs pretending they don't exist) actually brings people closer together. :D

    Oh, and yep. I live in the eastern part of the U.S and have been here pretty much all my life. :) I actually want to move to the northwest though because it rains a lot there and rain = me happy... You're from the UK, right?
    i;ve been whitout it for like 2 days i had to ride my bike 2 km out of my village with my laptop to get some signal lol, for like 30 min till my battery dies :D
    Hi! *hugs* haha I give virtual hugs to people too. :D My weekend is going good so far, ups and downs but it's a weekend I can't complain :D I have always wanted to go to London!! Maybe you should post some photos of Primrose Hill it sounds like a garden of some sort lol :D ttyl gorgeous!
    Yeah joburg to be exact. kinda wished i stayed in cape town. the tickets are reasonably expensive, i guess the current economic crisis is no time for luxury items though anyway. but yeah i would love to see england play.

    i completed south africa, england and usa. i still need a few players for france and italy. the rest are pretty much empty. not sure how we can swap though... but if you got any italian or french players it would be grand. :)
    yeah the emu in my username can be a bit misleading. i'm actually from the host country of the world cup. ;)wish i could go to the games, but i just have too much panic attacks away from the comfort of home..:mad:
    That's a good way to think, you seem positive even though circumstances aren't always pretty.

    Thank you, that's really nice of you. Thank you also for your compliment in the 'guys' thread. :)

    I don't suffer with SA. My problems are pretty much generalised anxiety and panic disorder, and from that depression. So I guess I'm a little different to a lot of the population on this site.
    How am I doing ? I'm whitout internet now damn. I need my daily ''dose'' of SPW. I'm became a junkie of SPW lol.
    Well I mean, I am asian, and my people invented the fortune cookie, after all... so I figure we're genetically predisposed to being a bit clairvoyant. :D

    Oh, and ya. It'd be weird if animals could make facial expressions like humans. hahaha. They're always so steely faced though... like dogs always look like they're smiling, cats always look like they're plotting to kill you, and rabbits always look like they're a bit P.O.'d. :D
    Yes, it's good to know there is no violence between supporters. I don't know where to put a suggestion tbh, but it was just so much fun, to draw on those stickers you had as extras. If you haven't filled the hidden stickers yet it's not so difficult. Just go the world cup website and visit the pages of all the stadiums. you will find the stickers there. Also go to the pages of the official ball, emblems, and mascot. I just can't find the official slogan. That will probably increase you to about 40% complete.
    Hi, Paula. I think this experience and the exposure is helping in certain ways. Even though these situations aren't new to me, they're always shocking enough to make me reevaluate my life, what I need, where to go from here, etc. How many falls before I realize...

    How have you been? What's going on in London? Going to Wimbledon this summer, yeah?::p: Don't know if you're a tennis fan.
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