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  • I really don't know much about Versus XIII - so far I haven't bought XIII though. I didn't like the look and reviews enough to buy it full price, I may get it when it goes down in price. Funny though, it's the reason I bought the console in the first place!

    I would definitely recommend FFIX - awesome music, wonderful in game cities, awesome interface designs.. character designs.. great story woven with the Eidolons (summons). Awesome stuff :)
    I like the avatar. Oh the good old days of FF7, FF8 and FF9. All equally brilliant in their own right!
    Hi there !!

    Thank you for the add, You seem a cool person too!!
    So how's u??xxxx
    Hello Newtype, welcome to SPW.

    We have a few things in common, and you seem like an interesting guy. I'd like to friend you if that's ok.
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