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  • Bwahahahaha :bigsmile: That is so appropriate considering I DO live like a Nun! :blushing:
    It was something to do with a Butterfly because I had one as my pic - instead of the current kitten. So I suppose Remus thought it obviously would not suit my new username and new pic etc. Feel free to give me a new title :bigsmile:
    Saw this "Cat-hoodie" and thought it would suit you. :bigsmile:
    Cat-hoodie is a game changer | Pickle
    Thanks... a lot of people seem to think that, but only on the surface and only for awhile.
    hi Nate :greeting: thank you for making me plural joule

    :greeting: I hope you are ok? As Pacific Loner said below, "I hope you are busy being happy" :)
    Hey how is everything going? Seems like we haven't heard from you for a while. I hope it's because you're too busy being happy or something. :p
    Yup, I just knew Google Glass was going to be a problem one way or another. Admittedly I thought it would be a privacy concern due to having a camera on your face, so I was quite off.

    Wearable technology is technically great, but without hard limits to limit usage it's bound to cause problems. It's essentially a phone you wear on your face, which is a device that feeds obsessive and petty behaviour even in its most basic form, it's no good to be exposed to that at all times.

    Poor guy, though. Alcoholism and internet addiction, sheesh.
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