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  • Hello there jewel of SPW

    Just thought I would drop a line to say hi, and to thank you for replying to my posts lately.
    Hope you are well - been reading your posts to keep up with the latest goings on.

    Stop that. Pugs are far too cute for their own good. Makes me want to go out and bring one home
    LOL - not exactly. Although the topic does intrigue me somewhat. You been reading my rants again Beleza?
    You are not so bad yourself you know - you are my friend. Hang in there - I am paying attention :)
    I like it when your posts are are at the top of the page. It means that I get to read them and laugh at the funny things you say. You a loser? Not in a million years.
    It's easy to do when everyone here is so nice. :) Including you! You do a good job of it, too.
    A great guy? Me? Aww, aren't you too sweet. ::eek:: I am going good, thank you. I hope you are, too. :)
    Beleza needs some sunshine again. :) I wish I could help you. You have a tender heart.
    I am digging the theme music its toe tapping goodness. It's a tough question for sure - but you answered it elegantly, articulately and with honesty. An eclectic mix of emotions.
    Me? Meh...but I get by.
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