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  • hey thanks....iam doing alright....almost done with my masters..awaiting results..need to fin a job soon...how abt u
    Thank you Beleza - you are beautiful too (Well...you actually ARE beautiful - inside and out)
    Thank you. You are the jewel of SPW Beleza. A bit tired - but I am doing alright. Hope everything is good in your world. <3
    Thanks, you're too kind ^_^
    yeah, I can relate to it all. I'm glad you like what you're studying. For me, I even tend to procrastinate with the things I like.
    I've actually avoided everything I fear untill now, so I guess its time when I'll finally have to face them. Its not going to be easy but I hope things work out.
    Its okay, not everyday is same. And you did babysit which is great. :)
    I'm alright, just a little nervous about everything ahead but I'm trying to distract myself.
    I can relate to you, I've a very hard time talking to people too so its kind of a exposure therapy for me as well. Thank you for being so nice to me too, its the only place where I don't get judged for being who I am and its for kind people like you.
    Thanks Beleza, you're very kind. I feel the same way about you too. :) I hope you're having a great day.
    Your signature, I like it.

    I am not often here posting unless I am really feeling bad.

    Thank you for reading.
    Hey - thanks for your kind words Beleza. You do help. I am sorry for my tirades of disatisfaction that I put you through.

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