I don't know what exactly the problem is but is there anyway you can sort it out? I hope it gets better.
Thanks, I just hope I don't mess up as I always do.
Same with me, sometimes I make the issue much bigger in my mind than it actually is. I hope you can too.
Thanks, I'm trying not to let it get to me right now but its there.
Yeah, I hope music or movie helps. What's on your mind btw? Is it the same problem as last night?
I'm trying to distract myself too, a bit nervous about everything?
Your apu avatar scares me every time I go to check my visitor messages... the whole strangling hands motion, I guess...
freaking me out a bit. haha
Who is your favourite Simpsons character?
Yeah, I haven't figured anything out yet. And I'm really really confused. Maybe all I can do is wait and see how everything works for me. Thank you for always listening Mikey. And that's why you're super awesome!
Haha nope, its definitely you.
That's great. I'm happy for you.
I'm having an okay day except for my family and a few others telling me that I nearly suck at everything. And whatever decision I make about my future its not going to work. I'm even not allowed to be emotional or depressed by hearing this cos that further proves how 'weak' I am. Ugh I'm always whining haha.
I couldnt possibly though - not unless I was sure I could pay it back. I guess time will tell, I may have some work coming up again soon, so if I stay here for another year and save up perhaps I will have enough. You always have a place to stay yourself in the meantime if you ever decide to come back.
Thanks man, you're a good mate... you are probably the only male friend I really have.
I know Aussie is pretty similar - but it's bigger, it's richer - and I am sure I would have more luck finding people I could identify with... I hope.
It always just comes down to the same thing over and over again and that is $$