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  • How did the wedding go? Did you survive it OK? I know these kinds of things can be a bit of trouble for you... just thought I would check.
    Unfortunately its always chocolate or junk food but yeah, I think you're right.
    Good night, have an awesome night my awesome friend ^^
    Aww thanks Mikey, you're really very sweet.
    I'm eating away my feelings now. I definitely have to stop doing it though.
    Thanks and same goes for you too. I guess there're some actual issues behind my depression and I should probably take a step to solve those but blah I'm so lazy.
    Yeah, I get those feelings too.
    Thank you Mikey, you're too kind.
    Yeah, I'm trying to distract myself but its hard to get rid of those thoughts.
    I understand that feeling, I guess its better than being terrible but I really hope you do feel great.
    Hey Mikey, I guess I'm just thinking too much without doing anything as always.
    Anyway, I just want to thank you for always being soo helpful, you must be very patient for putting up with my whines all the time haha.
    How are you?
    Why don't you think you'll ever play live or get in a band? Are you good at an instrument? If an idiot like me can do it, anyone can.

    - Well i don't really got the gear at the moment, i've gotten more interested in composing alone rather than jamming and playing with others. With not much time and not many people to jam with over the years, I never really could find people to play comfortably with and really click. Hopefully if i really put my priority on it, things will fall into place.

    I wouldn't mind working a less pressuring job so i could focus more on it.. That's why i thought u had a cool job too. :)
    I wouldnt really want to comment because I dont really know the full details - but I kinda get what you mean. I think its something about me too - I just constantly feel inferior based on how others react to me - but thats a whole area I could get into and talk a lot about.

    You take notice and engage with people though Mikey, you have an amazing ability to make people warm up to you, and they do it, because you make them feel like they matter - even if you do get it wrong occasionally, its not a crime, everyone sometimes doesnt "get it" - I dont think people see you as a burden at all - I think people see you as someone that simply cares - but I know that its difficult to believe when you feel otherwise.
    I dont know - sometimes its a bit of both. It can be really hard to tell sometimes. I always think that if you feel unneeded or forgotten about then it must be coming from somewhere...that is unless your expectations are too high. I dont know - I struggle a lot with this sort of stuff too. You are a good man though Mikey - lots of people like you because you pay attention to everyone, you do matter because you are kind to people. Its a remarkable skill to have - one I wish I possessed.
    hey mikey, i saw a link to F&ck machine on SPW mirc chat a few weeks ago. had no idea that was you. Anyway, i thought it was a nice song and a great sounding band. Will check out your other stuff too. You're practically a celebrity but you seem like a nice and humble guy. I hope your band does well and goodluck on the 3rd album launch. Its my dream to be even slightly successful musically, and i envy where you are now, coz i know i probably will not ever be able to get into a band and perform live! Well ill keep trying :)
    I'm sorry you're being ignored Mikey. Its an awful feeling and it sucks when someone like you feels like they want to die, hang in there. I'm always here if you ever want to talk.
    I just wanted you to know that I'm really really lucky to know you. You're not a burden to me at all and I've a hard time imagining that you could be undesirable to anyone else. I hope you feel better soon :)
    I'm sorry you don't feel that way in yourself. But you're much more than you give yourself credit for.
    I agree with you, also I'm very clueless, others don't like clueless people like me I guess. I hope you get people noticing you too. I'm sure others will and are still very benifitted by someone like you.
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