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  • I just wanted to say once again, to reiterate the point: Thank You. Your encouragement regarding you-know-what has stopped me from making a massive mistake by letting anxiety stop me from doing what it is I really want to do. I've booked the flights and there's no going back on my decision. Thank you so much. You're a great friend and whilst I may not be able to make it to Australia in the 2 weeks, I'll still give you a wave from next-door :) xx
    I'm not too kind, you are. :)
    that's great! I'm glad you're doing good. I hope you always feel this way. :D
    I'm okay, just as usual, thank you.
    You're such a great person too. :)
    How are you my awesome friend?
    Thanks for trying to help, Mikey! :D
    I'll get over it, or find a new job...:rolleyes: Sometimes just having a place to vent helps.
    Just from that post I can totally tell that the thinking you are doing right now is extremely constructive thinking! I'm really happy to see that you're putting work into your visits with your psychologist, that's what they rely on, to see whether or not you really want any help that they are offering. D'aw you're sweet. I like you just as much! If I lived in Aus, we'd hang out. Darn you x)
    Patience, grasshopper.. The slow internet shall teach you patience *turns into an old grasshopper and bounces away mysteriously....*
    Thinking about what Mikey? Sometimes it's hard to know whether it's helpful or not, but as a general rule, if you're sick of thinking about it, it's not helpful ;) ! As long as it's new or not fully out of your system, it's helpful IMO. Or, as long as you haven't been only thinking, eating, sleeping, and doing nothing else for years on end. Which, knowing you, you have not. Thoughts are progress without effort... Self discovery! It will build your character, give you insights, make you see what you need to change.
    Thanks mate. Appreciate the sentiments. Got a bit of brain fuzz at the moment... but the encouragement makes a difference.
    I do hope you can solve whatever the problem is and feel better. You're a great guy and you deserve to be happy.
    Thank you, it means a lot to me. :)
    I can relate. I wish I could be more helpful, I'm sorry. I hope you don't let them bring you down too much. Hang in there.
    Thanks, I hope so too. But its going to be very hard.
    You're not a loser, sometimes things happen but it doesn't make you one. You're a good person Mikey, please don't be so hard on yourself.
    Its just something I do, whenever I start something new I've so many hopes and expectation then my procrastination, anxiety and depression hit me and I end up acheiving much less than I expected. Its just a pattern I keep repeating.
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