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  • It's these little exchanges that really brighten my day. Like the sun. Burning out my corneas and giving me malignant melanoma. ::p:
    Thank you for the friend request ::p:
    I enjoy your random smilies
    It's very rude to poke your tongue out at strange men. And men don't get much stranger than me. :D
    iv found your pot of gold leprechaun , and guess wot , finders is keepers
    little mermaid eh hmmmm , omggggggggg i just googled it your famous long flowing red hair , a movie star , sing like an angel , adored by men all over the world , why lurky pants you kept that quiet didnt you , hmmmm actually.... i want a fish tail now so we can explore the 7 oceans together , ill be good swim behind you , not go into sunken wrecks and get lost honest
    i didnt catch anything but a few undersized fish , like your self undersized and its all your fault lurkypants , what is this midgit day or something he he , be honest am i not the most annoying person on the planet , say yes lol
    yea im fine lurk im going down the gym now and its 3.45 here lol , sorry about last night as me said funny 5 min , hey we all have em lol
    um yea good point sorry just a bit pissed at mo gazza isnt his usual happy self lol
    sorry if i talk to much yea to much to say sometimes. good riddance you say sorry if im annoying , and yea maybe i am , hey you look after yourself lurk gazza , x
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