Recent content by LemonKiss

  1. LemonKiss

    why do you cut?

    If you cut yourself, could you say why you do it?
  2. LemonKiss

    alcohol & medicine

    Doctor said shouldn't drink anymore. Does anyone know what'll happen if I do anyway?'s Prozac. 20mg. ? Help.
  3. LemonKiss

    staying present oriented to help your anxiety

    I went to a Buddhist meditation group the other night. We were told to stay in the present moment. Only when you are there can you be truly happy and free. I didn't agree with him at first. But I went home and found myself trying it. The good results came in immediately. Here's what you can...
  4. LemonKiss

    how do I choose a college?

    guys, i'm so lost here. i've spent the past four years ignoring myself and now i have to choose the place right for me. i don't know who i am! i'm nobody! will someone please,please,please help me. i just need advice on how to pick. there are so many places in america and i have no idea where...
  5. LemonKiss

    resentful mother

    Hi. My mom is resentful towards me because I asked for help. I wish she wasn't. She thinks I'm weak. How did other parents feel about you and your social anxiety when you confronted them about it? Hopefully they took it better than my mom did.
  6. LemonKiss

    Nice Only for Fear of Being Disliked

    I am nice. Too nice. It's repulsive. When they get closer, know me longer, the real person shows itself and shocks everyone. I need to find my middle ground. I want to be completely myself. It's annoying when someone's too nice. I'm annoying! Not only that but when I finally am "real" my many...
  7. LemonKiss

    The Best Website on Shyness. Ever. Will change your POV.

    Hey girls and fellows, I did some research on shyness online so that hopefully I can make some changes in my life because at the moment I'm pretty stuck. I usually see my shyness as something horrible. Some evil monster that shouldn't be speaken of. Kind of like Lord Voldemort. I always think...
  8. LemonKiss

    Vodka Mornings...?

    Please tell me I'm not the only teen who feels so bad and AFRAID to face the world that they feel the need to get SHITFACED? I DESPISE vodka, but does that stop me O No way. It hurts my ears, throat, stomach. Dehydrates me. But Life is so incredibly scary. I'm terrified of everything, a little...
  9. LemonKiss

    Please Listen

    Hey guys. How's it going? Here's my latest problem with people: Listen. When I ask you to listen, I have not asked you for advice. I do not want to be told what to do, how to feel or what to think. All I asked was for you to listen. When you have put yourself in my shoes, heard me out, and...
  10. LemonKiss

    Cheer Up Topic- Your Faves!!

    I don't know about you guys, but I love to tell people my faves and I love to know other people's too. It's always cool to be like OOO someone else likes that too? Who knows, maybe shybies like a lot of the same things. jk. FAVORITES: Movies: Heathers, Donnie Darko, Lord of the Rings, Sleepy...
  11. LemonKiss

    How Much Has Shyness Sculpted Your Personality

    I sometimes wonder, how different would I be if I wasn't so shy? I think I would be very different. I'm quiet and I easedrop all the time. I spend hours thinking about people and why they do the things they do. I'm a good listener too. I think if I wasn't shy, I would be much less sensitive...
  12. LemonKiss

    Anorexia to Help

    Please. Someone please help me. Being 17 is a rotten age. When I last left a message to you, I felt like I would be happy and positive FOREVER!! Now everything is cold and aching. I'm not exactly asking for advice, I'd just like to share some things, have some people reply and then feel better...
  13. LemonKiss

    how to get better (it worked for me)

    Hey people: Wonderful news. Not too long ago. being shy got me so down I was suicidal. I got therapy and medicine. Therapy was a joke. I couldn't talk to a stranger about my problems! And the medicine worked alright but I wanted to be better without it you know? So here's what I did (I...
  14. LemonKiss

    Getting Exstistential Here

    Does the thought of life frighten you so much that you get exstistential? You're too afriad to get a job so you tell your self, all well, we all die in the end anyways. I did this for awhile. And I would like to know if anyone else does it.