how do I choose a college?


Well-known member
guys, i'm so lost here. i've spent the past four years ignoring myself and now i have to choose the place right for me. i don't know who i am! i'm nobody!

will someone please,please,please help me. i just need advice on how to pick. there are so many places in america and i have no idea where to start.



Well-known member
LemonKiss said:
guys, i'm so lost here. i've spent the past four years ignoring myself and now i have to choose the place right for me. i don't know who i am! i'm nobody!

will someone please,please,please help me. i just need advice on how to pick. there are so many places in america and i have no idea where to start.


First, please realize that the decision to choose a school does NOT commit you to that school for 4 years. Very frequently, people transfer colleges. So, don't worry about being "stuck" some place you don't like. You can always transfer.

Here are some things to consider. Write down answers to these questions, and you will have a better idea.

1) Where do you want to live? Consider how far away from home you want to be. Consider areas of the country you enjoy, or would like to live in. Consider climate. Etc.

2) What do you want to study? Consider schools with certain specialties.

3) How much can you afford to pay, or how much do you want to pay? Thanks to financial aid and student loans, any student can pay for an expensive education nowadays...but consider if you want to have a huge loan? Consider a state school, which is often cheaper.

4) What kind of culture? Big school? Small school? Party school? Quieter, more academic school? Great sports teams? No sports? Specialty school like all girls?

I advise buying one of those college guides at your local bookstore, they will help you out and they cost like 20$ or something. Well worth it.

Again, the most important thing to remember is that you're not trapped by your decision. Some people change colleges 5 times before graduating. It can be done.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Thank you so much, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. This makes it easier to narrow down some things. It's really daunting but I'm glad to know it doesn't have to be permanent. Thanks again! Have a nice day.


Well-known member
I would say go with your intuitions and your interests.

Consider your test scores and academic record. Make a list of places where you think, realistically speaking, you will be accepted. If you have a mediocre GPA and decent test scores then don't hold your breadth for Harvard or Yale. Apply mostly to institutions where you think you'll have a fairly good chance of being accepted. Then choose a few colleges that you know for sure you'll get into and a few where the chances seem slim. That way you'll have a range of possibilities... maybe you'll get into a stellar school, but if not you've got backups.

Visiting schools is helpful but not essential for undergraduate studies. If you don't have the money or time don't worry about it... but keep in mind the psychological and practical ramifications of moving far away from home. If you are very outgoing then moving far away won't be a problem.

Consider your interests and projected major. If you are undecided about a major then make sure to choose a school which is well rounded in all areas (has a good liberal arts program as well as engineering and math/science just in case you switch). If you know for sure (most people don't) then a more targeted choice will be appropriate.

Environment and location can be important factors, but it depends on your personality and priorities. If you are interested in mechanical engineering and extremely focused then choosing a college by the beach is of minimal importance. If you want to socialize and join fraternities and make your college experience more bohemian, then you might consider more closely the location and social dynamics of the school.

If you are on a tight budget and can't get scholarships then going to junior college for 2 years and then transferring is a good option.

Hope that helps... oh, and visit websites of schools for information about departments, majors, requirements, application instructions, etc. You can get almost everything you need online.


Well-known member
ooo cool. help from someone named ddarko, very nice. thank you, i do appreciate the help. i really do. and i's just that i really don't know who i am or what i like. if someone told me to define myself, i just couldn't do it. big school seems scary because i could get lost, but small school there are less chances to meet someone nice. i feel like everyone knows exactly who they are and what they want but i have no freaking idea. i never even wanted to go to college all through high school. i was too scared too fail at anything so i never tried. i just sort of was a zombie.

thanks tho.
I'll add some things from a shyness/social anxiety perspective.

They're far from the most important considerations to think about but they're food for thought:

Going to a school with a pretty good social life can help you come out of your shell.

If you go somewhere close to home you may be too tempted to run home every weekend and neglect your social life at your new school.

Some more techie schools are really skewed from a dating perspective in that they have way more guys than girls. This sucks if you're a dude, but can be a boon if you're a woman. Though sometimes women who go to these schools get a rude awakening when they graduate because they're no longer a 'big fish in a small pond'

If you do go somewhere far away I'd say to avoid getting your own place off-campus if that's an option. Roommates can be annoying in a lot of ways but they do act as a built in social life. If you're shy having your own place can cause you to be a hermit.


Well-known member
The way it works in the UK is you get to visit various differnt places to see what its like. Maybe take a campus tour and see what you think for yourself. No matter where you go I'm sure you will have a great time, gets tough from time to time but definatly worth it!

Best of luck and hope you find somewhere you can be happy! :D