alcohol & medicine


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Doctor said shouldn't drink anymore. Does anyone know what'll happen if I do anyway?'s Prozac. 20mg. ? Help.
When I was taking prozac and would drink a beer I would become manic, almost a maniac. I totalled my truck, caused another serious accident, and yelled at a lady I had a minor fender bender with. I think Princess Di's chauffeur was on prozac and drinking just before that accident too. It's a very dangerous combination.

While I was on zoloft I had a seizure. Needless to say I don't take medications for social anxiety disorder anymore. Instead I'm using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Without meds ACT has allowed me to return to work, put up with family members, go to concerts again, and has generally helped in every aspect of my life. And ACT is cheap too, a $20 self-help workbook can turn your life around.