Nice Only for Fear of Being Disliked


Well-known member
I am nice. Too nice. It's repulsive. When they get closer, know me longer, the real person shows itself and shocks everyone. I need to find my middle ground. I want to be completely myself. It's annoying when someone's too nice. I'm annoying! Not only that but when I finally am "real" my many resentments come out in mutant forms of hate so people think I'm evil.

Does anyone else do the same thing? It gives me a lot to think about.


Well-known member
Yea i put on the nice and smiley face at first or initial encounters, and for people to see when i dont know them well. Then it's jsut a matter of tiem i guess before my resentful and jealous side comes out
Me to I go out of my way to be nice to people in general, then as when Im alone (like most of the time), my jealousy burns like a raging fire in my stomch as I go over and over the details of my life.
May god take me know or atleast give me guidence to get through this.


Well-known member
I am the same way. No one that I am around all day and thinks I am just this quiet, pleasant girl has any idea what I am really like at all. My problem is that when people joke around with me I am usually too anxious and to busy worrying about what to say to give any real response. When they see that, they quickly apologize and leave me alone. Then I am not usually saying a lot of what I think, especially about other people, because I know someone will take what I say and tell someone- just because I am so quiet, and it doesn't matter what happens to me. So I'm always described as nice and "sweet."

It's not like I'm an evil person or anything, but I don't think that anyone who knows me would really describe me as sweet. When I get to know people they are always surprised of the things I dare to say and a lot of the things I do. I can be kind of mean, to my friends sometimes, even.

The most frustrating part is being around all of those people every day and them having no idea what I am like at all. Not very many people ever really get to know me.


Well-known member
Aw... i can't stand this kind of attitude ad i will never understand why most of people act like you!!!! :x

Why people are nice with strangers and care about what strangers think about them and when is comes about friends, family they dare to act mean and don't care so much about what they thinking and show them all they evil sides just because they know that friends and family love them nomatter they will do???

Things should be reversed! :x We should care more about family and friends and be nice to them coz they deserve it and show our real face and don't hide our real feelings and thoughts in front of the strangers. In that mode strangers will know who are us and if they will choose to be around us they will rather like us for who we really are and will stay more time around us.
And friends and family... they deserve to be nice with them and respect them and care about they thoughts about us because they already accepted us and is more important to have the power to keep your good friends and family around you then make new friends.

If you act meanly with your friends and family and trying to be nice with strangers thinking that they will like you and you will gonna have new friends ... think twice. In that way you just will gonna estrange our old friends from you an gonna acquire some new friends who will gonna leave you sunner when they will see your real face.

If you are that kind who lament for having no friends and act fake like this ...then here you go ...this is the reason for having no friends.