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  • Hang in there. Getting a job isn't easy these days, but I'm sure something will come along soon!
    I just came by to see how everyone was doing these days, and see if anything new was happening. :)
    Hey dude :) I've been taking some time away from the internets lately, it's been nice. I'm doing well but more than ready for spring. How are things with you?
    Well you posted something on my profile page, and I thought I responded. Just didn't want you to think I was being rude. I'm still not used to this thing yet. :p
    I thought I replied to your post, but you're welcome, and thanks, or something like that!

    I don't know what I will do. I've seen an awful lot of psychs, no one gets it. I'm just thinking of staying as I am.
    Ahaha, indeed!

    She wasn't a jerk at first, she acted like one when I told her that th therapy wasn't working. Instead of doing something about it, she had the awesome idea of trying to charge more for her services. I kindly told her to gtfo.

    Yeah maybe. I've been in need of a lot of moral support lately, since I dumped my psych for being a jerk. Ugh... she was awful.
    I just chose the name of a creature I like. I like hounds of hell, creepy looking dogs, fantasy creatures :)

    Thanks man <3
    Ah yes. I just had it, I haven't changed it because I like it. I might only change it if I find a bigger version, but I'm not sure.

    Oh trust me, I've looked countless times. No one gets it or cares enough. It's frustrating.
    It's an awesome avatar.

    It's not a tragedy really, I feel a little abandoned since my therapist decided to show that she cares more about money than me, and then my psychiatrist refusing to treat me because I don't want to do as she says.
    I can't say I've been fine today :/ My mood has been weird. But I'll get over it. How about you?
    That's cool! If there is one thing I've learned about trying to get a job, it's that it will come eventually to those who are worth it (and I think you are). Just hold tight.

    My trip was great. Driving to NC isn't fun at all, but the scenery and the atmosphere were fabulous.
    Good day, Mr. Walking. I am good. I just got back from visiting my sister in North Carolina. And I have a job interview on Monday. How are you are yours?
    Fingers crossed for tomorrow then DM - you'll have to fill us all in once things are sorted! My birthday was good thanks, I had a really enjoyable party! I find birthdays quite anxiety-inducing, so it was nice to have a good one :) xx
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