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  • Moot? UST? Shipper? :confused: You're more confusing than Shakespeare. Speak English, man!

    And how am I supposed to know? We've been friends for quite a bit now.
    No, certainly not a "lover's spat." More like someone just loves to try to annoy certain female members on the forum. ::p:
    Um.. any kind? ::p: I really didn't know there were different types. Makes sense, not sure why I've never thought of it.
    Oh I totally want to take Psychology! I've always wanted to. American Literature sounds really good too. I'm really hoping to take Psychology sometime while I'm at this school. I find it so interesting and I think I'd be pretty good at it (or that's just me being full of myself. :rolleyes:). My friend and I already made a small deal with each other, that if I get a math class this year (I doubt I will, but there's always a bit of a chance) she'll do my math homework and I'll do her English. ::p:
    Yeah I find it incredible how long Zelda has been around, for a video games series that is. I thank my parents for introducing me to it all. :D I wish they were into video games now like they were back then. I used to watch them play a lot when I was little. Now video games are almost non-existent to them. :eek: ::p:

    I have no idea what classes you are taking. Mind sharing?
    Um... I'm not sure. ::p: Whatever I can find that looks good, I suppose. Very nice 25th anniversary symphony!
    I basically just want to get basic courses (my typical science and english - no math this year, since i have two math credits), with maybe another elective or two. The only reason I'm so late is because I decided so late. Can't completely blame myself, but I really wish I made a decision sooner. Oh well, it happens. Trust me, I'm definitely signing up early for next semester, don't worry.
    Yeah when talking to other people in person, I prefer to talk to those who are older too. I don't know why, I've always had an easier time talking to older people (even though talking to others still makes me nervous, no matter their age :p). In high school, I talked to more of my teachers than I did my actual class. :rolleyes:

    I don't know what classes I'm looking forward to because I haven't scheduled them yet. ::p: I'm going next week to set up courses. Hope I get some really good classes, but I'm kinda worried, since I'm scheduling so late. :/
    I don't know, you just seemed older to me. I'm used to people being older than me, so I guess I'm always assuming that most of the people I talk to/see on here are.
    Just one year? Huh, I thought you were at least a few years older than me.

    I get about 7 - 8 hours every night. I really do get enough sleep, believe it or not. Then again, I'm on break, where I can sleep much more than I did in college. Most nights I only got about 5 hours. D:
    Older than me by how much exactly? My brother already tried this on me once. Didn't work. ::p:

    I wouldn't say I'm a total nocturnal person, I could never stay up all night. But I'm not exactly an early riser either. Guess I'm just something in between, whatever that may be.

    Hm... That's a tough question. I'm really not sure if I could stay with him. Of course there are much more to relationships than all the physical things, and I could probably handle not being kissed for months, but for years? I really don't know.
    You can't ground me! You are not my parent and I'm 18. I'm too old to be grounded!
    *hides computer* Hey, broccoli is good, I wouldn't have a problem with that. ::p:

    Whenever my brother sees me up, and my mom too, they'll say, "Isn't it past your bedtime?" Now they go to bed earlier than I do most nights. ::p: I've had a couple people here joke about bedtime too, although I'm sure they never knew when I used to go to bed.
    Rather than giving Link a shotgun (why? :confused:), I would've much preferred to see him run his sword through Navi or shoot her with an arrow instead. ::p: Or a bomb would've worked too.

    o_O Does everyone I talk to know how early I used to go to bed? I like staying up til 2am (especially since I don't have to worry about school), but apparently people are still questioning it. :rolleyes: Heh. No, it is not past my bedtime.
    o_O What in the....? Well... That was annoying. ::p:

    Random YouTube comment: "I wonder what will happen if this Link teamed up with Navi. I am afraid to think of what will happen."

    Ha! XD I don't think I want to know either.
    I've played the original NES version (which I still have! It was my parents' ::p:), only the beginning of Ocarina of Time (Deku Tree), Oracle of Ages, a little bit of Zelda II (which I didn't like at all), a little bit of Majora's Mask, Wind Waker (favorite!), and Phantom Hourglass.

    I'm really lacking on the N64 titles. I never had an N64, only grew up with the NES for a good chunk of my early childhood.
    Oh, I remember Oracle of Ages too. I used to have that. It was so confusing for me, I didn't like it. I only got about a third or halfway through it and then just gave it up. I'm not sure what happened to it. I think I sold it or gave it away somewhere. ::p:

    "The 6th dungeon in the original NES classic. Being the first appearance of the Wizzrobe enemy, and also swarming with shield-eating Like Likes, paralyzing Bubbles, and almost impervious Darknuts. If the orange ones are annoying, then the Blue ones are infuriating."

    Wizzrobes and Like Likes! Aah, I hated those things! (Much worse than floormasters and wallmasters if you ask me) Oh my god Darknuts were awful too. The 6th dungeon is where I was stuck the last time I played it. I believe it was that dungeon that was green and had the room swarming with blue Darknuts and you had to get across the room, avoid them or fight them just to push the block and go down to the stairs. To obtain what I don't remember.
    "One very persistent rumor is that it's possible to use the keys in the wrong order, and fail the whole temple. That's right, many players still believe you can actually permanently screw up the Water Temple. And what does that mean? Restart your file! To be fair, you can get into situations where it seems like this is the case — you can actually still solve it if you take the right course of action, but if you can't manage to find that action, it seems like you're stuck forever."

    :eek: I can't imagine doing that! That would be awful, to restart your whole game just because of getting stuck in there and finding no way out. How aggravating.
    You say you've seen enough nightmarish things in your life, but you haven't seen me yet. I'm pretty sure the hands would be better to look at. I think they look cool anyway! I love creepy things. I definitely didn't see all of Ocarina of Time. The only parts I remember seeing are the Deku Tree, and then one time when I was over her house, I watched her play the Water Temple, which looked incredibly hard and confusing. O.O
    If you scream, I'll be sure to have duct tape handy. And don't gaze at me, I'm nothing to watch. Just watch the tv.

    Forest Temple? Is that Ocarina Of Time? I've never owned that game, but I've played it a little bit at a friend's house. Definitely a great game! Part of the reason why I even want a 3DS is to play the remake.
    Oh those were always a pain in the rear, popping up out of nowhere to try and grab you. Nothing to be afraid of though. Maybe if you watch me play, you won't be so afraid.
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