Oh, I remember Oracle of Ages too. I used to have that. It was so confusing for me, I didn't like it. I only got about a third or halfway through it and then just gave it up. I'm not sure what happened to it. I think I sold it or gave it away somewhere. :

"The 6th dungeon in the original NES classic. Being the first appearance of the Wizzrobe enemy, and also swarming with shield-eating Like Likes, paralyzing Bubbles, and almost impervious Darknuts. If the orange ones are annoying, then the Blue ones are infuriating."
Wizzrobes and Like Likes! Aah, I hated those things! (Much worse than floormasters and wallmasters if you ask me) Oh my god Darknuts were awful too. The 6th dungeon is where I was stuck the last time I played it. I believe it was that dungeon that was green and had the room swarming with blue Darknuts and you had to get across the room, avoid them or fight them just to push the block and go down to the stairs. To obtain what I don't remember.