Oh I had Sapphire for GBA. Catching Kyogre was really easy compared to catchy other legendaries in the past games.

I think Mewtwo and Suicune were the toughest ones to catch overall. Sure, it was a pain in the rear when Raikou and Entei would keep fleeing, but if you quickly got a chance to paralyze them, put them to sleep, or used some move to make it so they wouldn't escape, they weren't too hard to catch.... Oh my god, look at me talking about this. XD Ha! I'm letting out my complete nerd. :

I used to watch the TV series when I was little too (1st generation only). I'm still wondering why I liked it so much.

I look back on it now and I'm just like, "Why did I watch that?"
The game I've been playing lately is The Sims 2. I still haven't really tried the third game yet, although I hear it's not as good as the second. I know from the screencaps I've seen the Sims don't look as real, they look more cartoonish.