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  • Here are the tests I want you to do. No hurries, do them when you have the time. And yep, we'll talk about your price(s) later... ;> But I hope that when you start doing them you do them carefully, only in that case do the results matter, when you have taken the time to consider the questions. Why am I doing this? Because I want to know this stuff about you.

    1. http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/find-out-your-personal-dna-personality-test-6451/
    2. http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/spin-a-social-phobia-test-36272/
    3. http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/take-this-quiz-32678/
    4. http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/personality-disorder-quiz-17922/
    5. http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/multiple-intelligences-37265/

    Have fun! Hehe. Also check my scores.
    This is to describe how I feel about you. Yup, it's Muse :> Listen carefully to the lyrics... They're exactly what I feel for you.

    Muse - Bliss - YouTube
    Heya (cutie ;>)! Had a great day today. Hope your day's been fine too :> Btw we played Skyward Sword at my friend's XD It was pretty awesome. Also, do you own a DS? I'm gonna buy a new DS game tomorrow, just not yet sure which. Thank you so much for the wake-up message you sent me in the morning, I was feeling pretty dead (after a 2-hour sleep... yes, I've begun to have slight insomnia, didn't get any sleep until half six) but your msg made me feel a lot better. So sweet of you to wake up just for me... (at least I hope that's what it was XD) ♥ Miss ya.
    Just wanted to say those Mario mushrooms looked great.

    Do you normally do that with food or was it one time thing?
    Here's a song that I kept listening to last evening when I was walking outside in the snowy forest thinking about you. Also yesterday in this parking lot where there was a lot of untouched snow, I "drew" a big (I mean really big) heart and "wrote" S + J inside it. I made it with my footsteps. There was some guy in a car in the lot, wondering what I was doing. I didn't mind what he thought, I wanted everyone to see it. I hope it's still there. Even if it isn't, this "J" is in my heart forever... ♥

    Sonata Arctica - In the Dark (2009) - YouTube
    Miss you like hell. I know it hasn't even been a day since the last time we talked. I have so much to say.
    It's the eye of my demon monster. Btw, i just received my newest pets out Asia but they aren't born yet:
    The PM that you sent in the morning... I can only say one thing, baby, and it's this:

    Killer - Naughty Boy HQ - YouTube

    XD I like this song! Also the band is Finnish.
    I tried PMing you but your PM box is full! I had a song for you & I'd written a long msg. Well I'll just post it later :> At least you still got my other PM that I sent a couple of hours ago. Miss you so much ♥
    Heeeey from the older and worse woman xD guess what? i ve been feeling backache for theere days nd i saw two white strand on my haiiiiir!!!! Not kidding. Gosh! im about to become twenties' syndrome xD hahah. Btw we delivered our analysis of the movie nd ugghh i rll relaxed for a while.ndd tomorrow our first term ll end so i ll go hoooome yuuiiippu:) <but smy have to study for her final exams> heey shut up! <this detail was ignored> xD ok, if i can stop my mind's voice, i ll go on xD Heyyy thankk you for b-day cakee ımm nım nımm, ofc i cant wait for fifty yearsss i ll eatt on my own xD btw how is it going on your side? now r u on holiday? see u soon i hope, take care :)
    Ahh being nostalgic.. yea sometimes i feel in that way,too. But you will get used, after a while it will make u forget the old one(; btw best tip?? really? wow happy to hear this:) Oww your lunch with parents is todaaay, also with yummy chicken ımm nımm bon appetite to uuuxD ah btw i ve a homework nd my mind is busy with it all the time in this days. i have to analyze a film called 'American History' maybe u heard? i rll liked the movie, its about the racism nd so impressive. now i think i must go nd read some comment about the movie.see u soon bye(:) ups dont forget to write me how the lunch was:)
    Hiii :) Sorry I was online on my phone when you were talking to me, so the chat window didnt show up. Hopefully we'll chat next time we're both online xx
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