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  • Call him Failure, now that's an awesome name:) i will come up with a surprise too that will fight against your rookie dragon, just wait...
    Whoa, u were up late again werent u junior... U should sleep more! Im just worrying bout u ^^ I wish u the best of luck on ur exam. My exams have gone fine so far, for tomorrow ill have to finish my portfolio that includes ten different texts, ive still got three more to finish n itll be complete.

    Im so sad to say that ive got no nesquik for u :< nor do i have any for myself. I do have the powder but idk what u meant cause theres so many different kinds of it! Well hun i hope u like ur new matress lolz. I bet its so soft... ill come try it out 2night... mmm i can feel the softness already...

    Hehe :>

    Awww u called me keijukainen i think ill die of the sweetness of u...
    Tu sei la cosa più bella del pianeta ♥
    (sry im not sure if its correct but still u get the point :>)

    Miss ya
    Hey Angel, CaTmOon is here ^^, nice to hear from u again :) Its okay, exam is important! Study well, hehe ^_^ and thats cool, that your mum is studying, what is she studying? lol @ your pregnant neon fish, aww :) yes she must be a girl, to be spoilt LOL. haha, Mandy is avaliable after her new commercial shes making :D she will invite goku and chichi to come have dinner! lol. how does that sound? Aww, thanks for bringing fishes to my aquarium, haha, aww, thats nice to see Haka haha :) he looks tasty, hah.. aww, he sounds cute though. strange he jump out from the acquarium, reminds me of finding nemo film.. hehe , i talk to u when your free. take care Angel.
    i'll put some pictures from cats up here as well. If i can find my camera at least.

    Hope you found a matress worthy enough to replace you old one
    :) aww, wot a cute fella! how many neon fishy do you hav? they're so cute ^-^ .. are you suggesting I think of a name? hehe, you come up with good names! hehe my profile page will soon turn into an aquarium, haha but I like it :) aww.. haha @ goku :) Mandy will wait for the nice surprise! but wont chichi be jealous? xD .. Chichi can come too, and Dishy. The light aquarium sound like a really cool energy saving idea xD
    the bettasplendes fishes looks so charming! ooo neon fish, I can imagine how beautiful it must look :) Aww, yeh her names Mandy! ^^ Shes free to meet Goku and Chichi! lol
    Hey! How are you? Your fish looks so beautiful, wow. Lol, haha, they fight every second! Aw, I wish I could had seen the drama! Looks funny to watch them fight over chichi. Its not extreme fight right? Did you had 2 male fishes then? Wow, I wish I had a fish, or a pet. How many fishes do you have in total? haha, you give your fish really cute names :) & these days I been okay, not great, but thanks! How about you?

    I really like this pink fish, she is so pretty and cute! :)

    hi.:) so you were born on May as well.. what date? 'cause i was born on the 20th so im a taurus. hehe:) so you're fond of anime?
    lol, hihi! ^__^ .... and thats so cute, haha xD training Jedi to know super moves! hehe :D hope the training go's well, he'll learn! :) I also had a fish before, but it was long time ago. haha, you think of cute names for pets! I like goku and Chichi! what type of fish are they? Thats cool to be studying engeneering! I finished studying, Im looking for work atm.. and today I been okay, hope you had a nice day :)
    Hey Angel, aww, you keep giving me these cute lovely nicknames! hehe ^^ thanks! catmoon is a cute name, ahh, I should had called myself catmoon! xD Aw, your cat name is so funny, Jedi xD I bet its a he? I also love cats, and dogs and rabbits! But I have no pets though! Wish I did! Glad you are having your break finally, hope you are enjoying your weekend, what are your studying at uni? ..
    Hey Mr Angel! :) I meant! Thanks, for the welcome again! ::p: Luna is a nice name, hehe! thanks for liking my avatar & I like ur one too! hope you enjoy your day! :)
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