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  • Aw that was really sweet :)
    I think preparing breakfast for her is such a nice thing to do, I'm sure she'll be very happy ^_^
    LOL its popular than you think ;) Oh exams suck, study hard but also take some breaks okay? Good luck!
    So what are you planning to give her?
    Haha Thanks :) Ahh I also get in zombie mood when I've do my homework on Sundays lol :p
    I've been good, what about you?? And how was your day?
    Hey, Dark. I'm sorry for not answering until now. I don't mind listening to you at all. Feel free to express yourself as much as you want. Thank you for the nice words, you are too kind to me. I just enjoy chatting with and having you here, so thanks for that. Ahh, sounds bitter sweet. I can understand the lack of motivation, it's a feeling I understand well. I'm sure you will get through it and do great, though.:) I don't know have anything going on with me, but thanks for asking. I haven't done anything with web design for a while, I should start up again. I need to start doing something useful with my time. Thanks or dropping by, Dark. Your the best. Take care.
    Im sorry for yesterday, I was feeling really tired, I know I couldve just said it but for some reason I didnt. In fact, after I left I went straight to bed & fell asleep immediately. I was not in a good mood & it wasnt a good day. So yeah... I hope u didnt feel too bad about it :< Btw I have the appointment at 12PM so Im going there soon. Anyways just wanted to post this to apologize for yesterday. Take care ♥

    Hey, Dark Angel. ^.^ I really hope your doing well.

    Keep your chin up. Your a great person.
    Nooba kun, thank you so much for all your support and friendship. I have no words to describe what a good friend you are *hug*

    How is my buddy today?? I know you're very tired but we still have our war going on and if you don't do anything it won't be a real challenge for me, muahhahaa. So please fight with all your force since i want to have a strong opponent! BTW, you should really watch Brave 10 when you have time. It's getting better and better! You studied hard so you really deserve some special gifts and you will get it/them soon^^ and no i won't give you your son back who i captured yesterday! btw i know this sounds awkward but i'm the first:

    FEAR ME!

    hehehehehe^^ well nooba, big hugs and if you gonna celebrite Carnaval: enjoy it!
    We can talk later but Ill just tell u that it wasnt because of u, u didnt do anything wrong. Ill tell u later.
    I just had to let u know that I finished my little surprise for u, but I think u will receive it on Valentines, also I cant wait for ur surprise :> Btw I will watch the first ep of Brave 10 today, hope u will too, Ill watch it now. Take care baby ♥

    P.S. I forgot to tell u that Im going to visit dad tomorrow (I told u about it, but I wasnt sure if I was gonna go at that time), but tomorrow hopefully we will get a chance to talk a bit before I leave.
    Hey, I'm good thanks. So how were your exams? Hope they went well :)

    Well I think my name means 'one that has won beauty' (btw its definitely not right with me lol)

    My hobbies are mostly reading, writing at times and knowing about various cultures. What about you and how are you doing?
    Oh... I didnt support u enough with ur studying. Its my fault. Bad me! No but what I mean is that its not possible to always get the best results & I know that for the exams coming up this month u will study hard, right? :> I will be here supporting u when u need it. Ive been fine, today at 1PM I have a doctors appointment, which Im actually looking forward to.

    Anyway, Ive missed u :< btw yesterday I took out the dance pad and played for over an hour, it was more fun than I remembered XD exercise is something that really helps, Ive noticed. I tried some really hard songs & well I couldnt finish them & I was kinda dead XD but it was fun, today Im gonna play again.

    I send my lovely cutie a thousand hugs & kisses & also my strength so he will be strong :> (I know he is) take care ♥
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