how much time do you spend at home?


Well-known member
I go out very often. I like going to the mall, clubs, restaurants. I love meeting new people. It's strange because I have ocd so it would make more sense for me to want to stay at home but instead I like going out and socializing. Sometimes I have freak out sessions while I'm out, like when I think I touched something dirty. Then I gotta rush home and take a long shower, scrubbing myself like crazy. Sometimes when I'm at a club, I think to myself, "looks like so and so are probably go home with each other and have sex while I go home and scrub myself in the shower." :(


It's the university break at the moment and I think I'm spending way too much time at home alone, it really gets to you after a while...

A good tip is to invite a close friend over to your house, it really does help if you don't think you can leave.


Well-known member
after work i usually just chillax at home, it's never lonely here. occasionally i go out and do something pointless with the few friends i have, but usually i turn off my phone and avoid it cause i'm a douchebag to people that care about me.
How much time at home? Waaaay too much. And it's not even like I feel I have to. I just do, because I'm not motivated enough to do something productive.


Active member
I'm at home all the time unless

I go football usually every week on Wednesday
to get a haircut
to get food from the takeaway


Well-known member
most of the time, except for work, groceries.. and when I need/want to buy something.. and hang out with friends on the rare occasion.


Well-known member
During the week it's work and home. Sometimes the library. With the occasional food/beer run sprinkled in there.

Actually, it's pretty much the same on the weekends too. If I don't decide to go to work, then I mostly stay home and tinker around the apartment. If the weather is warm and it's sunny, I might go for a drive in the country or go walk around in a cemetery.


Well-known member
As much as I can. I go to school but many times we don't ahve to be there. Those days I spend home all the time. I prefer to be there since I don't talk much more than necesserly in school. The people are nice and all but I can not have a real lasting conversation, and I can't do any activities, I just make them wrong. I way prefer to talk over msn to some of the friends I have made here. :)


Well-known member
Home is where I hide and avoid people. When I want peace I go outside into the forest or into a field where there is no one around. I like being outdoors I just don't like people.


Well-known member
Almost all the time. The exceptions being if I go out to eat with family or have a doctor's appointment.


Well-known member
Ummm, alot of time. I keep vowing to myself to cut it out and just get out there. I do spend alotta time outside my home, but I do have an unhealthy amount of staying-in time too....


Well-known member
If it wasn't for work and a friend who i am going to see in Poland tomorrow i'd say that i'd be spending all my time at home.